After playing a few hours, FPS drops from 40 to 5FPS

Same issue this evening. Did a flight from KSDF to OMDB. I noticed over the ocean I was getting fps spikes with dips down into the low 30s and they would shoot back up to the 50s randomly. By the time I was approaching Dubai, it became more frequent. By the time I was over the city of Dubia, my fps dropped to 13fps!!! It remained that way until about 2500’ and finally shot back up to 45+fps. The city itself seemed slow to load in and really didn’t pop in until final approach. You could see tiles that were blurry in the area like it was struggling to load… I’ve seen this same behavior with p3d after a 12+ hr flight as well. Lastly, by the time I pulled up to the gate my fps were back in the 60s.

Just over Dubai with obvious texture loading issues - 14FPS!!!

On the ground and FPS have returned to normal

Floating around the city with FPS in the 80s now