I was stoked to find out that they had fixed the issue where live AI aircraft would not depart. We only had live AI aircraft landing due to a bug way back. Well… not so great on my end. With SU8 beta ,in KSEA at least, (not tested in other airports) all incoming aircraft are landing on RWY’s 16L 16C and 16R, however all departing live AI aircraft are lining up to take off on the opposite runways- 34L 34R or 34C. Again, this pertains to live AI aircraft. I have not tested with offline AI.
That’s to say nothing of the AC’s that are also taxiing in opposite directions on the same taxiways, and have to find ways around each other…
I know this is a beta, hopefully it will get sorted out. Looks like I’m going back to the SU 7 live build for the time being- provided of course that I don’t have issues opting out of the beta on steam…
I’d be curious to hear if anyone else is having a similar experience.
EDIT: I’m using AIG traffic- I don’t think it makes a difference as ANY aircraft in the sim should follow flightaware during live AI usage, correct? I use the term “follow” loosely of course…
As far as I know, live traffic has never accurately reflected the real world runway usage - don’t know if it even can, as I don’t know what info the sim gets from the data feed.
It’s got nothing to do with AIG unless he’s using Traffic Controller, which it seems like he isn’t. Just using the AIG models along with Live Traffic.
This has been a very common thing and is a problem with ATC and the weather / ATIS. I can’t even count how many times (with all default ATC, traffic, etc) since SU5 that I’ve heard the ATIS tell me:
ILS 9 in use. Departing runway 27…
And here I am landing on the other end of the runway where other planes are landing.
The only difference now is that we have departing AI traffic, which increases the fun.
Yes, I am glad they fixed the issue about arriving and departing. They just using the wrong directions. It is a bug. I think they fixed the issue with the airplanes now departing but they are departing on the wrong directions. Arriving aircraft are following the wind rules and ATC. Please vote so they can fix it.
This is the METAR. So the coming aircraft are good. The departing aircraft have wrong winds. I think they fixed the issue with departing but somehow, they do not follow Metar as arriving aircraft do.
Don’t hold your breath. They’ve had 6 months to fix it since they introduced it in SU5. The only reason people are taking notice now is that the beta has departing traffic and it’s very apparent whereas it wasn’t as obvious before.
Just an update:
After starting the thread, I’ve only seen the departing/arriving on opposite runways issue once more. I have not seen it since.
The traffic behavior overall could use some tuning. Arriving A/C take too long to vacate the runway, and too long to line up on the runway just before take-off. The result is too many unnecessary go-arounds. ATC is partially to blame as well, as they give take-off clearance to A/C that should be holding short based on how close arriving A/C are, during their short finals. Overall taxi on AI A/C could benefit from some clean-up as well as a slight increase in taxi speeds IMO.
All-in all I think these issues can be fixed rather easily at some point.
Based on this comment, have you not been able to repro the instance of AI taking off in the wrong direction since your original post? Just reading through the thread to understand it fully while writing up a report.
@Jummivana - ATC assigning departing and arriving at opposite ends of the runway was a bug introduced in SU5. Due to the scarcity of any live traffic at all and no departing AI traffic since it got broken in SU5, most people never really noticed until now that departing traffic is working again.
Since SU5, ATIS reporting (as an example) Departing on RWY 9, Arriving RWY27 has been a very common occurrence. It’s been reported in many thread in the last 6 months. It’s just being noticed on a wide scale now that AI aircraft numbers are increased in the SU8 beta and they’re actually departing. But this is very much an SU5 bug and has nothing to do with SU8.
Actually, I have.
KSEA once again. Did a hop from KSEA to KSFO, and during preflight noticed the same thing. However this time it seemed that AC on finals were landing on 16C and 16R, and departing AC were using 32R. So opposite sides, but not in actual conflict with each other, as arriving AC were not using 16L.
In this build at MYNN traffic has the same issue tho the arrival traffic SWA did stop and slowly started to spin around facing the right direction with the other traffic (ignore the west jet thats AIG)
Ive notice if you get too close to live traffic after they push back they will start to spin in a circle until you move away from them then they will continue to taxi
For me they use the same runway but use only one. Airport have 4 Runways and ATC advised only one Runway to take off. So the planes build a Traffic Jam and spins around
Ya this also happened to me but with the AIG Traffic Controller not with Live Traffic. So I’m guessing its a Microsoft bug since its happening for you too with the live option. Hope they can fix this soon.