AI planes now take off from KATL atlanta Hartsfield with this work around

I don’t understand why, but I have discovered if you remove the folder and it’s contents named “microsoft-airport-Katl-atlanta” from the folder named “Official”, that the AI traffic will take off instead of sitting on the runway and then vanishing when they time out. I tested this using the built in sim live traffic and with FSLTL. I know it’s sounds strange but it works for me. This was suggested to me by a guy who wrote a parking mod. I have no idea how the Atlanta airport can still work and be there with the airport folder removed. (I saved the airport folder for safe keeping elsewhere on the drive.) The “mystery” airport looks the same as it did except for the gate number changes. For example, what used to be gate C47 is now C127. I had read before the problem with the AI at KATL was related to the runway hold short points being either missing or messed up. I don’t use AIG traffic so I can’t confirm anything with that. I had previously observed that AI traffic never stopped at the runway hold short line at KATL like they do at other airports. Now they do hold short and then proceed to line up on the runway and then take off. If anyone would care to explain why removing the airport folder doesn’t make the airport go away, I’m all ears. I fully expected the sim would crash or the airport would be missing from the world map or something, but surprisingly it was still there. I’m happy but doing a head scratch. This if the first time I can remember AI taking off from Atlanta since I bought the sim in 2020.

The KATL folder in the Official One Store files is the bespoke version from the USA World Updates.
The base airport is still in the sim.
That folder may get re-installed during a sim or world update.

So it would seem the base airport works correctly and the enhanced update version is causing the problem. I’m in the process of narrowing down the individual offending files causing the failure of AI not taking off.

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