AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Just installed AIG manager and a few airlines from USA (big 3+jbu) and Canada and can’t figure out how to setup it to use MSFS live traffic (even after reading a lot of this discussion).
After a few failed tests, this is how I am setup:
AIG TC = off
Ground Aircraft Density = 0
MSFS traffic = live online traffic

Now at KJFK I have only 2 planes of Jetblue. Before setting Graound traffic to 0 I had every airlines everywhere (ex: Delta connection and JBU in France).

Any config I’m missing ?

no thats live traffic…

Hi Kaiii3 you are the guru of knowledge for this tool going through the various posts. I am trying to make a backup to restore from and I think I finally managed it earlier on today. Is this verify the culprit that you need to delete to carry out a restore from a backup (you can only see it when hidden files are shown):


On other instructions you have given you say to delete OCI-Configuration but there is nothing in this folder and this instruction was for P3d I beleive:

It was fun but manic at Heathrow this afternoon, few aircraft spinning round and a fair few go round due to not vacating the runway, but I think this is a MSFS glitch to resolve.

nope, thats some other verification. Basically you can move for OCI in MSFS the whole package to the new location without issues (at least on my end). Never had any issues moving my OCI from A->B. AIM always detects if when it is registered in the Community (or linked with Symbolic/Junction)

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Thanks Kaiii. I have managed to backup all my airlines saved so I can restore if required in the future without having to go through the download process again.

What would be great in the AIManager is if there were a couple of columns or filters to sort the list out. Like No of aircraft in each of the fleets, or even what coverage is given by each of the airlines, some will be worldwide but some region specific to help the end user download what’s relevant for them.

It’s useable as it is, I can imagine it may flip out with having too much to filter through, there’s a lot of airlines.

the issue at the moment is, that AIM only gets the filename of the flightplan from the server. There is no database in the backend with all extra information. We are currently designing some “pre-setups” that the user can install.
Like “Major Airlines World Wide”, “All Airlines Europe”, … but this will take some time and needs to be updated as well…

there is a 3rd party list in the forum:

Great thanks Kaiii3, I do not take for granted the amount of work that already has gone into this project so look forward to updates when available. :slight_smile:

Mmm great. So I understand that maybe I was on a moment where live traffic from MSFS was not working well.
Majority of the time, live traffic was not so bad so I’ll keep testing.

Anyone has good succes with live traffic? What setup are you using? Are you seeing a lot of aircrafts at the gates?

Asking again because maybe I was too subtle… :wink:

Anyone want to share their MSFS sim settings for either AIG traffic or live traffic, to get the best results?

Pretty please? :slight_smile:

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Captured this evening not the best at working the controls for the camera, video all over the place.

I am running 100% with all airlines downloaded. My settings with quest 2 are as attached in simulator. Although ground vehicle density is now off with AIG along with generic plane models

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Thanks, @benjit7 ! Those setting get you “random” airlines at airports, right?

How much impact on performance does turning on the extra vehicles do?

I haven’t turned on the extra vehicles but I still see them, you can see the yellow lights appear when a plane is about to depart. I want to make a video at Stansted with some music over it when I get time to try and show case how immersive it is.

One of the biggest things when comparing systems will be the hardware. I haven’t got the latest and greatest but a relatively well balanced system that I have been tweaking for months managed to get a lot of the background processes turned off in windows 10 to maximise performance in the simulator.

For comparisons sake I have a:

  • CPU Intel Core i7-9700KF o/c to 5.1
  • GPU Nvidia RTX 2080-Ti o/c +150core +1000mem
  • RAM 32GB DDR4 RAM o/c to 4000mhz
  • SSD Corsair Force NVMe PCIe M.2 2TB dedicated for MSFS
  • Well ventilated case to keep all the above components cool, idle around 35 max temp under load is 75.

Last core on userbenchmark below, to see how it compares.

I have managed to download all the airline liveries (28gb) and when compressed in 7zip and it only comes out at 1.5gb shame there isn’t an easier way to install everything is a one as we can’t share this.

No the settings I have in AIG allow me to get accurate airlines at the various airports I have been too, as they are using actual traffic route data and airlines to determine the type of aircraft and liveries that will be landing. :slight_smile:

Random airlines are related to “GROUND AIRCRAFT DENSITY”. If you set it to zero you won’t get randoms.

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Using AIG online traffic with the workaround to make the departing aircraft work.
This is after 20 mins on the ground, some are Go Arounds circling the airport and some are the departing aircraft taking off and then circling the airport. Only way to clear it is to close the work around down. Is the a setting I’m missing or are we just stuck with MSFS AI

you are stuck with MS Ai - nearly all issues like slow runway exiting, strange climb behavior (almost like step climbs where planes will take off, climb to a few hundred/thousand feet - level off, gain speed, and then continue their climb), etc. are issues only the devs can fix.

You have to wait for them - as I understand it (and someone please correct me if I’m wrong), the live traffic option only shows what MSFS “knows” from Flight Aware (and maybe only a subset of that). So if Flight Aware isn’t showing planes at gates on the ground (and it is limited in that regard), they won’t show up in the sim.

hey, happy new year:)

for those not on Discord: A new ModelDB will come shorty with new models, upgrades and some updates incl. B737MAX, GLF-Series, MD-8X, Fokker,…

and now some good news for all users:

  1. We are testing currently internally a new AIGTC with less CTD potential - at least we might have found a potential cause/workaround for the SimConnect issues - lets hope so.
  2. We are working on the next workaround for AIGTC to “eliminate” some of the downsides of the current internal AI system. This time it is our goal to eliminate the circling airplanes after a go around. There are currently different options we are testing, to achive this.