AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Report in the AIG support forum, not here.

It’s ok. Kaiii3 is already aware of this.

Yes, seems to be the problem for me too. CTD everytime I load AIG TC. If I can get it to load- no airliners populate.

I did 2h of testing with the exact same results. Kaiii3 thinks its a simConnect issue.

I’m sure the guys will find a solution. Just have patience.

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Just out of interest, did you try the sims own live traffic, but with the aig stuff still active in the community folder? I still get the same error message.


Hey, yup I can’t load in to fly with msfs’ live traffic enabled w/o AIG TC. Switching live traffic off enables me to fly w/o AIG. As soon as I try to load AIG TC I get CTD- memory error as well as another error I can’t rememeber- unhandled exception?

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Did you guys try to delete the _cvt folder of AIG to see if this helps?

Yes. But it has no effect. Sim still keeps crashing with empty community folder, only aig-aitraffic-oci-beta enabled.

It’s 100% reproducible.

Live Traffic with AIG works fine on my end

Not on my end.
At the moment I turn on the sim’s own live traffic, I’ve got a CTD.
The problem is the aig-aitraffic-oci-beta folder.


Although I have to say that in some airlines the process is excruciating. Take Delta as an example OMG.


OMG! Thank you but I hope AIG comes up with a better solution :slight_smile:

Issue for the crash has been identified and reported in the Bug-Report section.


Hi Kaiii3, is the bug report for just the Traffic Controller, of for the AIG package as well? I don’t use TC, but use the AIG package with real time online, and get a CTD with the AIG package in the community folder.

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it for the package itself. TC was fixed on my end and will be updated in the next days as well. But with the faulty package no need for now to push the update

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What is the CVT folder? I use add on link so my AIG folder isn’t actually in my community folder, but a cvt folder is?

Thank you , it’s just I seen a couple of posts reporting that they don’t have any problems, thought it may have been a problem my end.

yeah, not sure why some have issues and others not

After installing AIG Manager I have 2 directory’s in my Community folder, aig-aitraffic-oci-beta and aig-aitraffic-oci-beta_CVT_. What is the aig-aitraffic-oci-beta_CVT_ for? Can I remove it?

No leave that file there. It’s created by the game converting certain textures which were not in the right format. If you delete it it will just re-create the file the next time those textures are used sometimes creating a bit of stutter.