Really looking forward to the day when AIG will be able to release their AI manager.
How are things progressing this week? Still stable? Sure looking forward to AI in MSFS 2020. Thanks for all you do!
no work on MSFS Projects this week, focus was on releasing updates for our P3D products.
Thanks for taking the time to reply! Much appreciated!
the Team is currently working on upgrading FDE files for Models we will unlikely upgrade to glTF in the first release. This will make sure the “old” models will have some new features as well, incl. realistiv takeoff performance and lights.
Is there any estimate of when a release might happen?
Every time you guys update about this, there are plenty smiles all over the forum! HOPE
Will you also release the converted glTF models as stand alone version or will they come as a package with the OCI installer? Would be nice to have at least one new model to play around with AI traffic
not fully sure yet. In the end it is up to the developer
Short Update on SU6:
No major issues that would cause a delay in our roadmap. Current focus is on upgrading FDEs to the new SDK standards so we do not loose compability later.
are we close to a release?
not 100% sure yet, there are still some thing we need to sort out
good luck with them then
Will these models be vatsim compatible?
Yes, but no matchfile by AIG
We really need you and AIG to make MSFS better soon
Will a MSFS option be added to the AIG OCI application so that all your P3D v4/5 models/flight plans can be accessed without having to re-download everything?? I’m keeping all mine up to date and look forward to having MSFS come to life with A.I. !!!
Keep up the great work Kaii
sadly no way of doing this, since all SImObjecs of the P3D setup are not working in MSFS
Hello Kaiii3,
Sorry if this question was already stated/answered but will fspxai models supported in msfs? I spent a lot of money to get these models for P3D.
Many thanks in advance.
thats up to the developer of FSPX.