Hi Kaiii, Sorry I’m not technical so please bear with me. I see what you mean about the Sim Objects. Would I be right in thinking that the textures will be of no use either then? Maybe the flight plans will work?? Or will it just mean starting from scratch with MSFS and we’ll be downloading everything all over again.
I’m fine with that if that’s what’s needed, it will be worth the effort to bring the sim to life again.
This looks exciting, I just wish Asobo would stop breaking the AI system, I seem to spend most of my time trying to workaround issues just to keep some sensible liveries on show in UK airports.
The big one right now (IMO), is that the offline AI has the ATC too high/too low issue similar to what players had with Sim Update 5. So ATC will constantly tell the AI to descend or ascend even if they’re at the correct altitude.
This can lead to planes not being low enough to land correctly (because ATC won’t tell them to descend until it’s too late) and just constantly circle airport trying to land.
This bug oddly doesn’t effect online Live Traffic.
A lot of base airports are built improperly for AI, and the AI traffic will just stop in the middle of the runway after landing because of misplaced or missing hold short markers, so they’re never told to taxi to parking and end up holding up traffic until they’re despawned. Two example airports are CYYZ and KJFK. This also effects Online traffic.
There are others that I’ll let Kaiii3 describe as they have more knowledge of them.