had exactly the same experience zero traffic with the correct setup (note my injector button did nothing and I set it to auto)- try changing the type to AI offline and traffic density to 100 - when I did this suddenly got lots of ai traffic! - this is NOT how its meant to work but it does for me (although I understand flight plans might not be being followed).
Yes, I selected “autoinjection”.
Try only loading Traffic Manager once you’re loaded into the sim (after “fly now” on the runway). It’ll take a while, but traffic should load then.
You have added " -MSFS2020" in the shortcut of aig air traffic control app.
Yes, i have
For those of you who are whondering about the size of the total package - it is 26.1 GB on my disk - I’d say that this is surprisingly light, considering that just one good payware airport can be 5 GB in size.
It’s not working for me. Nice try.
interesting - as I had exactly the same issues as you and that’s the only way I could get any AI traffic
Those messages are known about, just choose the option to continue with each message and things will proceed correctly. Irritating but not fatal. Do not kill the process.
Have exactly the same problem, packages where loading nicely but no traffic in sim, then i decidet to delite AIG_manager and and traffic controller made a new community folder in sim now i have new problem AIG_Manager do not load packages well its loads only first plane then it stops?! Tryed to read all forum but didn’t finde solution for not downloading OCI packages oe how to properly to reinstall AIG_Manager? If sombody had the same problem?
If you ticked autoinjection then inject traffic is unnecessary and the option is disabled unless you deselect autoinjection again.
Thanks…yea wasn’t giving it time!!
Ok, been sitting at KDFW all day. American Airlines was the only aircraft At the Airport.
I did install most of the airlines that fly into DFW. I only had American Airlines.
So I turned on live AI and dang if I don’t have different aircraft now. So but I’m really enjoying this app from AIG!!
Thank you very much for your help I managed to get it running!
It’s beta, but it’s already pretty good.
Looking good so far. Heathrow looks much better with correct models and textures and full of ai as opposed to only a few default planes.
Not sure what was going on with this A380 but the texture kept changing to different airlines. But despite that weirdness the model and textures are very good.
So whilst this addon is still in beta and bugs like that with the A380 are to be expected I’d say that it’s very good for a beta product and is testament to the hard work that AIG and it’s contributors have put in to it.
Noticed this too with a380 at Heathrow constantly changing liveries
There’s seems to be a problem with several aircraft stacked at the same gate and changing randomly. Noticed that among multiple airports. But most of the gates seems to be working just fine.