AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

yeah,and i found no incoming flight when i start at an airport ? Just lots of out going flights! What is the setting ?

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Just be patient! :wink: I was at Tocumen and noticed a Copa flight arriving. And some missing the runway and flying over at several other airports lol. It is just a MSFS bug that flights are missing the runway. But there are still others that do arrive.

For those of us who have this working – are any of you noticing nav lights at night time on the AI a/c DURING FLIGHT? I see them at the airport, but now I’m flying FL400 and according to map, I should have seen SOME flights go past me, but didn’t see any lights.

I have tried every tips you guys gave here, but sadly it doesn’t work for me, empty traffic with Traffic Off, Density 0, Generic AI Off, " -MSFS2020" on shortcut, Use “Inject” after start the “Fly Now”…

So not quite sure what happens, something must be wrong with my setup, but I have exact the same problem as some of members here do. I have MSFS on Steam, is it a reason? Or probably I have changed something in UserCfg…???

How are the runways assigned for takeoff and landing?
We always use the same runway in the same direction even if we change the wind direction.

i have MSFS on Steam + win11 and it works very well

Are you guys seeing flights at night time? My sky is completely empty although the AIG map shows traffic? (during approach)

I also run on Win11. Probably something wrong with my install config. With AI Manager I can manage to download airlines as wish, but when using AIG Traffic Controller to inject those things to Sim, nothing happens!

When I turn AI Offline Traffic to ON, and Density not 0 in Sim, I can see AIG liveries I downloaded, some are all white bugs (like, China 737-700, Air India 787…), but the others are displayed as normal, but not followed the flight plans: at KLAX full of asian airlines like ANA, AirAsia, China…less American carriers, and all are static.

When you start the traffic manager, do you see the status bar at the bottom saying it’s loading the flightplan files? If not, you might have it pointed at the wrong folder in the settings. Just a thought.

The repaints for AIGAIM are just normal liveries loaded by the sim on startup; if you aren’t using the injector, they’ll be there for random selection by the sim’s AI traffic generator. That’s why you’re seeing the installed liveries when you use those settings. There’s clearly an issue with the injection, so I’d focus on the setup of the TM, as there might be something off there. Hope this helps.

Edit: One more thing - make sure you’re running TC as an administrator.


Yes, I run both as Adminstrator

Onn bottom AIG Manager, it shows:

Version (BETA) | Airports: 39211 | Flight Plans 182 | SimObjects: 189 and Done (green bar) at the right bottom corrner. So I thing AI Manager is correctly setup and installed.

My question is: in AIG AI Manager, at Flight Plans Settings: the AIGTC Directory: just point to general folder “AIG Traffic Controller” or some sub folders like Resource, x64, or x86? Min Activities in % 1 Max. Activities in % 99 should be as default?

And in AIG Traffic Controller, OCI-Directory points to “aig-aitraffic-oci-beta” installed in Community by using AIG AI Manager previously? And Injection Activity level 99% that fit the % range in AI Manager setting?

Not sure why does it works well for some, but not for others like me! Though follow the same steps in tutorials…

I did and then attempted it for an airline I didnt download earlier (Aer Lingus). That worked fine. However, when I came back to the airline (Air France) where the process was terminated, window launched and it just stays at step 1/17 for more than 10 minutes with no movement whatsoever.

All this is after I downloaded the 478 Mb file, which I assume has the models and placed it in the folder of that thing(companion?) that injects AI into the sim.

Also, I notice in error tab that there are missing models even after having that478 Mb file in place. Running verify setup does say downloading missing files but the errors still remain on that tab.

From what I understand on Discord this is to be expected as not all models have been introduced yet. But the flight plans are there.

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Yes no issues at night.

I see them in the air when taking off / landing. Haven’t encountered during flight yet.

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When using the live traffic option in the msfs flight planner do you need to select the ‘inject traffic’ option in AIG TC?

That’s what the manager should be saying (although the SimObjects number is lower than mine – right now I have 324 plans and 959 SimObjects; I don’t know if that’s a problem or not).

The setting under Flight Plans just needs to point to the folder where the “AIG Tech - Traffic Controller.exe” file is located. It should be at the top level of the folder you picked to store those files, so the target should basically be wherever you installed Traffic Controller.

1%/99% is the default and should be fine – I’m not even sure if those settings apply for MSFS, to be honest.

Both programs need to be pointing at the storage file for the data downloaded by Manager, which by default will be in your community folder as “aig-aitraffic-oci-beta”. For settings, the file path in AIG Manager in the AIGAIM-OCI tab under “Current Path” and the file path in Traffic Manager’s Settings screen under “OCI-Directory” should be the same, and both should be that aig-aitraffic-oci-beta folder, unless you’ve moved it somewhere. (I don’t think you can actually do that yet). Take a look in the folder to make sure there’s actually something there, too, just to be safe.

If all that is in place and it still doesn’t work for you, I’d try the buttons at the bottom of the AIGAIM-OCI tab, first and foremost the “verify setup” button. Let it download whatever it finds is missing. That really shouldn’t be the difference between injecting and not injecting, as it’s mainly looking at whether the models and textures listed in the flightplans are actually present, but you never know. If that doesn’t help, try the other buttons, because hey, it can’t hurt at that point…

I’ll see if I’m having any issues now (I’ve spend basically the entire day downloading airlines one by one, as it took me some time to admit to myself that I’m just going to download everything at some point and should just do it all now… but I digress) and let you know. Hope you get things running before then!


Yes. Use AIMTC to inject the traffic. Works beautifully for Live Traffic too.

It seems like the traffic is a mixture of Live and the AIG Flight Plan flights (provided it has been downloaded). Here’s an example with all Flight Plans downloaded.


I have the same! See the odd one but doesn’t reflect what I see on the map

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Things seem to work okay for me, although I did watch a 737 taxi to the active at NZCH, turn on its landing lights, line up, thrust for takeoff, and zip along the ground at speed until I lost sight of it… Must have been an issue with the stick. :slight_smile:

Another suggestion: don’t be an idiot like I was and not notice that there was more to the settings screen in Traffic Manager than was being displayed. I was wondering why I didn’t see an inject traffic button… it’s because I needed to expand the window further. /facepalm

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2 problems:

  1. Why no see incoming flights each time start at an airport ?
    2.Even in ZBAA ,base of CAAC(AIR CHINA),there are no China international airline (Air China) there. I cannt find Airchina in AIG AI Manager too!