AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

I´m enjoying AIG so much! Are you guys planning on adding the ATR and Dash 8?

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yes, the Dash is already WIP. At the moment we focus on other models, but we will bring all models that are part in P3D at some point over to MSFS :wink:


freeware ,free use or not. ONE can take others. Lots of ai triffic there ! Dont ask too much ,it is not MSFS!

Incredible, what you’ve done. Thank you all so much :slight_smile:

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Which models have been updated in the last patch?

AIA Boeing 717-200


Awesome, thanks!

Which are the next models to come?

I believe they’re finishing up the a330 :sunglasses:

correct :slight_smile: and then we will see


Apologies if this has been asked earlier but I would like to download this to use with Vatsim.

Only fly GA though. Is it possible to download models for other GA aircraft and use them on Vatsim with AIG?

Yes, just make sure to create a separate folder (incl. the main json-files and the respective aircraft.cfgs). I got AIG and other models working alongside just fine.

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Thanks for letting me know.

Just so I understand correctly, I’ll have to download the models and liveries for the GA Aircraft on my own and place them in a separate folder to the AIG folder?

And then use Model Matching to make a VMR that includes the GA aircraft as well as AIG?

Pretty much, yes.
There is software to create the correct layout for your own aircraft (I believe it’s called fsx legacy converter). Like creating a layout json and so on. It’s a bit tedious but worth it for the time being. Also pretty much any fsx .mdl model works.
You can even use two separate vmr files if you like. vPilot reads them both. I’d recommend Swift though, no vmr required, it just scans you folder for aircraft and ICAO codes and done.

Edit: if you have a powerful system you can match Asobos GAs just as well.

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Awesome thanks so much for the help.

I was thinking king of just downloading different GA aircraft and liveries and putting them in the community folder rather than working with fsx files (something I would probably mess up)

Is there a way I can match only Asobo’s GA and not their airliners for Vatsim?


AIA B717:

717 is already in the OCI database. The upgraade will be added shortly :slight_smile:


Very good work! Thank you alot first for your and your team’s effort!

But I wish some essential aircrafts to release:


Will they come this year?

330 → soon
350 → already included
767 → no date yet
787 → already included
220 → no date yet
ATR → no date yet


Is there a page anywhere (web or Discord) that has the changelog for the updates to the manager and the traffic controller?

AIM: Login
TC: Traffic Controller - BETA

I will only add changelogs for bigger changes. Hotfixes are mostlike not added all the time

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