AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Is it normal that some zip files that have to be downloaded manually doesnt work? Sometimes it is prohibited, sometimes another error?

Lately I’m getting an error on one airline that takes me somewhere to with some sort of cookie issue and can’t download anything.

Yes, it seems not all the files are available on the forums that the app uses.

I think it’s and not .to. Anyway, I solved this by registering to that site.


Thank you, Zeppos, this solved my problem.

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Second seeing regional aircraft (turboprops) for airlines. I also fly NZ and would like to see more traffic outside of the major airports.

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Taxing at airports at night I would like to see planes with their tail lights on. The planes look lifeless without their tails lit up at night. Visually, it would be stunning also.


I would settle for navigation, beacon and stroboscopic while the plane is on the ground


All A350 and 787 Types are included? Why many models can’t be updated then? (flight plan error list)

because some repaints are painted on the payware 787 / 350 tby FSPX that is not added in MSFS. But the UTT models for both are added, these will get the paints over the time.

I have to try that when I get back from work. Thanks. This link is dead, when AIM is trying to download ASL 737-800 livery.


Think the sites been down for a bit… last time I checked it was

Same issue here. So what happens if you try to install an airline but the files cannot be downloaded? The airline shows as installed at the end of the process, but will it cause any issues in-game?

If all downloads fail (like with ASL France or Ireland) then I’ll just uninstall the airline. But what if only a few of the packages fail and the rest work fine for whatever reason?

if there is an issue with an airline, missing model, etc., it simply will not show up in game. Does not impact anything else.


Hello everyone,

I was quite busy for the last 2 weeks so I couldn’t play. Today I launched the game but I can’t see any ground nor airborne traffic. Is there anything I should download or change? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Note: I solved the issue by redefining the path for AIG Manager just in case if anyone has faced with a similar problem.

So, just to be clear, you refined in the controller app that injects traffic? Same happened withe me and was wondering.

Yes, I launched the AIG Traffic Controller, redefine the path for the folder ‘aig-aitraffic-oci-beta’ and I also verified setup once, then it worked like a charm :slight_smile:

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Hey there! I have AIG running beautifully in the sim and it works nicely in 99% of airports…but my favourite LEAL Alicante airport seems broken. For some reason only 2 planes spawn at the gates. I guess something wrong with the default airport gates. Is there anyway this can be fixed? Can anybody try LEAL and confirm that gate positions are busted? Thank you!

Also if it helps anybody, a small trick if you want busier gates at other airports, just move the time slider slightly once you are parked, more planes will spawn at the gates. At least it works for me.

Beautiful liveries with great detail. Here are a couple of things I’ve noticed that might have been reported on this thread. I haven’t read the almost 2000 replies. I was disappointed that the wheels on the aircraft don’t look real and are stationary while the aircraft is taxiing. They sometime appear half buried in the tarmac. While at the gate, the baggage is loaded with the baggage bin door in the closed position. Also, some of the taxiing aircraft go round and round in a circle. Can’t wait for the finished product. Thanks!

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