AIG and "Live"Traffic (msfs 2024)


Does anyone uses AIG for traffic injection in msfs2024? (because FSLTL still have some major issues (planes upside down, missing liveries) and its not support at the moment (unfortunately)

It works very well, but 2 questions I have

1.) Honestly, I cannot find these settings on my msfs2024 to disable the default live traffic. I know it’s have done this, but I cannot find these switches anymore. I dont want to switch of general ALL live traffic, because I still want to have ships

2.) I started the injector (version after msfs2024, everything is green, it shows how many planes are around me, etc. When I “Quit to Desktop” after my flight(s), the injector is also gone. Do you have the same experience in that?

(And btw.: has anyone ever get the allowance to access their forum? I requested and no permission is given (or any reaction)

I tried the AIG injector and it doesn’t work. Planes circle and never land, or land outside of the runways.
We need default AI traffic fixed by Asobo and with airline liveries, as they promised and showed in their deceiving trailers.


thats strange. I tried this in the last days a few times, and it always wirked very well. Maybe your version is outdated?

Im using aig with fshud, u have to disable default traffic in graphic settings


I just tried AIG and also FSLTL (again)

I swichted off the 2x Air traffic in the graphics section
Graphics->Global Rendering Quality->Traffic Airport Quality->OFF
Graphics->Global Rendering Quality->Air Traffic->OFF

With AIG I have nice parked planes…but totally wrong companies. Like Air New Zealand in a small airport in Denmark. This is stupid :slight_smile:

So I tried FSLTL again, the parking airliner are now more correct (LOT and Ryan Air)

But what about the ground traffic.
Is the this setting here:
Graphics->Global Rendering Quality->Traffic Airport Quality->OFF
ONLY for the Ground Traffic? Or does it also contains parked aircraft?

For FSLTL is is correct only to switch off this:
Graphics->Global Rendering Quality->Air Traffic->OFF

Very cnfusing :slight_smile:


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I tried AIG in FS24, but got fed up with the extraordinary time it takes to download all the livery/aircraft files. I stuck with FSLTL.

Did you try their injector or only the liveries?
I was talking about the full package.

“Traffic Airport Quality → OFF” setting affects both airport traffic and default static airplanes.

set online traffic off too

I have stopped using AIG - the result is too stupid.
Reason: I have downloaded all the flightplans (took me a whole night) and switched off the 2 settings in Graphics.
After the injector is running the planes appears…some Philipines airplanes in a medium Danish airport. Some United, at the passenger gates there were cargo planes parking, etc.
This is a mess.
AIG doenst have any idea about which airline is where present. It seem they just display random planes at the gates.
MAYBE the rolling/flying traffic is correct, but thats only 50%.

Sorry…but I have decided (for me) Bye bye to AIG