No only AIG + PSXT + Realtraffic … but a CTD did happen after about 30 mins. Need to narrow it down as was running 3rd party aircraft and scenery (naughty I know) so will fly sans the addons and re-check each one at a time.
I renabled AIG models and no CTD so far.
How are you using it? No AIG controller or with? Default traffic disabled? Also you have both AIG folders in your community folder?
For me as long as I have both of those folders even without anything it will just crash within 30 seconds after in-game.
No AIG controller, default traffic enabled with real-time online. I have three AIG related folders, the first two of which are in MSFS addon linker directory (aig-aitraffic-oci-beta with 43.3GB of files which I have enabled and aig-aitraffic-oci-beta_CVT_ which does not enable). ie.
There is also a folder in my actual community folder called aig-aitraffic-oci-beta_CVT_, which I think corresponds with the folder in my MSFS addon linker directory, and it contains 11.6 GB of files.
The CVT can be safely removed, its like a cache for the models as they are generated in-game. Its created by MSFS itself, not the addon-linker.
I just cant get it to work for some reason. Even with nothing in my community folder expect with just aig-beta folder it crashes soon after clicking fly now. Guess I will just wait for a proper fix.
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Issue is realted to FAIB based Aircraft models that are still in the MDL format and have not been upgraded to glTF format yet. Removing them from the pacjage allows the Sim to run without CTD. System-Language is set to German with Decimal seperator set to “.”. Package is outside the community directory and linked via a junction-link
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No crash report created in the Event Log
When being at a Gate, starting vPilot for Vatsim and all Model Matching Rules (vrm-Files) were removed, everything is fine.
When adding a vrm Model-Matching Ruleset and press “Rescan” instantly got CTD
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Yes, update to my other report here
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Moved the Package back to the Community directory for testing. Sim is CTD as well, but with some other error message and a Dump-File. Error seems within VCRUNTIME140.dll
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I get ctd with live traffic and also TC using AIG models and also with some custom model I have so is not only simconnect, there is something with models also
and one more additional information:
The CVT directory is not created when addon lagacy MDLs, so I guess the issue is 100% related to the lagacy MDL files
Will there be a soon fix to it ?
no fix from our end since the issue is within the Sim. We can only add a workaround by removing the SimObjects in the lagacy format (737,320,747 and 767)
Any chance to convert the FAIB models into the new format?
running some tests at the moment with manual injected AI and it seems the amount of traffic injected in a short time might be related to the issue. if I remember correctly we had a similar issue in SU5 already
When I load up msfs without controller with msfs traffic disabled. Then if I start up AIG controller, the game freezes and it gives me a breakpoint application error.
This is why we’re saying it’s not working… Kaiii is working on it.
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getting close to pin-point the issue, but still not 100% there.
@ moderators: Any specific way to upload a test-package later for Asobo for internal testings or should I upload over at DevSupport?
We don’t have an ingestion path to Dev Team through the forums. Recommend you reach out to Dev Support.