AIG Models only with FSLTL Injector possible?

How can I priority AIG Models with FSLTL Injector - is that possible??? — Since I started using flight simulation (2002) I have been using AI traffic. In the last few years I have worked with AIG in P3D. Since MSFS I have been using AIG and of course FSLTL with the great injector for live traffic. I also have FS traffic from Justflight. You can prioritize the FS traffic from Justflight in FSLTL but I would prefer to do that only with AIG models. Does anyone have experience with this or only use AIG models via the FSLTL injector without FSLTL models?

I don’t have any experience with that myself, I use AIG for the model matching but don’t use live traffic, just use it for VATSIM model matching.

That said, have you tried using AIG Traffic Controller that does injection?

Following, don’t know the answer but I use AIG and FSTL liveries to paint the MSFS aircraft (no injector used)

Sure it’ possible.
I deleted the FSLTL models folder and i use the AIG models with FSLTL injector.
I gained 6-8 FPS.

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I will try this thx bro :wink:

Which folder specifically did you delete?


I just want to add the BN2 AIG model and all liveries that come with it to my Community folder, where can I get them without downloading all the AIG file??