Air Manager 4 FlightFX HJet (HondaJet) Popped out GTC Issue

I’m new to Air Manager working on my third cockpit. I’m unable to get the popped out FlightFX HJet GTC to work with mouse clicks when it is on an Air Manager Panel. Closing Air Manager allows the popped out GTC to work as expected. Is there an Air Manager setting that could be blocking input?
I’m using Air Manager 4, with the default panel on a non-touch monitor. I use the mouse. The GTC, PFD, and MFD are all popped out to that monitor. The GTC works as it should popped and with the mouse without Air Manager. As soon as I start Air Manager and Show the panel, clicking on the GTC icons no longer works.


You need to have ‘Click through’ enabled in the particular panel settings.

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Thanks for that information. It was grayed out and unchecked. I see now that it must be checked before the sim loads. Once the sim is running, it is grayed out and can’t be changed.

The sim?

Typically you can select it as long as you don’t have the Air Manager Panel displayed.

Unless that changed with Air Manager 4.

Hide panel and it should be available to select.

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@skypilotYTS is spot on. It has nothing to do with the sim. Just stop the panel and it’s no longer greyed out.


Confirmed. Shut down the AM panel and the “Click-through” option will become available.

Not sure if you’re on the Simstrumentation Discord or not, but we currently have early access versions of most of our HJet instrument set for Air Manager available for download.




We’ll have updated versions of those up at likely by the weekend.

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Thanks for that information they look great.