There is a community one directly from within AM. For a more up to date version and a better selection you can look here.
For those who might be interested, I have doscovered that ChatGPT is a genius at writing code for Air Manager instruments. And FAST!!
You can ask Chat GPT in “laymans” words what you need and it will write the code required to do the job faster than you can read this text.
You need to understand a little bit - so you can collaborate… (ie. have your Air Manager instrument editor open, try the code and tell ChatGPT what worked and what didn’t)
I got Chat GPT to solve one really tricky problem that took some trial and error, but here is an example of a few simple tasks that I did yesterday
I asked Chat GPT the following question,
“Please modify the following code so that the avionics master is one switch and remove avionics 2”
( I just copied and pasted the text from the Lua script into ChatGPT )
function bat_click_callback(position)
if batt1_pos == true then
fs2020_event(“BATTERY1_SET”, 0)
fs2020_event(“BATTERY1_SET”, 1)
bat_switch_id = switch_add(“master_off.png”, “master_on.png”,44,30, 93,200,bat_click_callback)
function cb_battery(sw_pos)
switch_set_position(bat_switch_id, sw_pos)
batt1_pos = sw_pos
fs2020_variable_subscribe(“ELECTRICAL MASTER BATTERY:1”, “Bool”, cb_battery)
function avionics1_click(position)
if sw1_pos then
fs2020_variable_write(“A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:24”, “Enum”, 0)
fs2020_variable_write(“A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:24”, “Enum”, 1)
avion_1_switch_id = switch_add(“white_rock_off.png”, “white_rock_on.png”,141,52, 48,160, avionics1_click)
function avionics2_click(position)
if sw2_pos then
fs2020_variable_write(“A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:25”, “Enum”, 0)
fs2020_variable_write(“A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:25”, “Enum”, 1)
avion_2_switch_id = switch_add(“white_rock_off.png”, “white_rock_on.png”,188,52, 48,160, avionics2_click)
function cb_avionics(sw_1, sw_2)
sw1_pos = sw_1
sw2_pos = sw_2
switch_set_position(avion_1_switch_id, sw1_pos)
switch_set_position(avion_2_switch_id, sw2_pos)
fs2020_variable_subscribe(“AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH:1”, “Bool”,
ChatGPT shot back with this solution
I replied to ChatGPT:
"Thanks, that worked. Now please modify the code so that the avionics switch can be activated on the touch screen like the Battery switch. At the moment the screen switch can only activated via a physical switch in my cockpit.
ChartGPT replied:
Next I asked ChatGPT to Add a “click_sound.wav” sound to the Battery switch when pressed."
As quick as lightening Chat GPT replied:
All I did was copy the code written by ChatGPT and paste it into the scrip of the instrument I was editing in Air Manager, saved, then clicked “RUN” to test… (with the SIM running too).
Yseterday I also asked ChatGPT to write the code for a stand-alone switch to operate the ENGINE MASTER. It wrote the entire code from start to finish - with generic names for images that I need to insert.
So this is like WOW!!!.
And just for those who might say I am lazy, firstly, I don’t really care. Flying is my hobby, not writing code; but secondly, it actually DOES teach in the process, so I am learning.
Like having an expert tutor sitting in my cockpit for no charge.
Hope someone else might find this useful.
Fearless Swan
That’s pretty cool!
I wonder if you could link the MS SDK and have it really do everything!
That Code I asked ChatGPT to write for the ENGINE MASTER on the Diamond DA40 was almost perfect. The only thing ChatGPT could not get right was the “callback” to sync the switches in the SIm and Air Manager. I think that is mostly because we could not find the correct fs2020 subscribe variable. The one we used was:
fs2020_variable_subscribe(“MASTER IGNITION SWITCH”, “Bool”, engine_master_switch_callback)
I tried about 6 different variables I could find but I still could not get the Air Manager switch to sync with the SIM if I flipped the switch in the SIM.
Here is my full code text. If anyone can sus out what is wrong I will appreciate it.
logic.txt (1.2 KB)
Problem since solved. I found Lua script that worked and just made myself a switch for the job… plus a a “press/start” button.
Anyone happen to know what item in MSFS Control Options activates the Aux. Tank Transfer switch in the Diamond DA40NG?
I want to link a switch on my Bravo Quadrant to operate the switch in the SIM. I have tried most of the “transfer” and “Crossfeed” functions but no luck so far.
PROBLEM SOLVED - a different way.
I created a switch in Air Manager, and thanks to help from a few others, I found the correct event and subscribes.
Here is a snap shot of the switch.
And here is a link to the SIFF.
Has anyone made a Mooney panel close to this that they can share? Also, is there a way to have these Aspen instruments active in the simulation?
There are Mooney panels out there and even one very nicely done you can buy but I have never seen any with those glass panels.
We have some of the instruments at Simstrumentation but not a full cockpit. Just some of the key switches and indicators.
Experimental Sim Avionics has the full panel set for the M20R, but keep in mind it’s payware:
As for the Aspen, you can get Aspen panels from within the Air Manager store. Can’t remember offhand if there are free options or payware. You can then add those to your panels. They’re generic instruments and not specific to the plane. I can’t speak for how good they are in terms of recreation of the real ones, as I haven’t used them personally (either real or in AM).
Hi friend, I want it, could you help me get it?