Air Manager on MB Pro - How do I add pop up panels from PC?

Hey guys, new here but not to flight simming, been flying since FS2004!

Anyway, I’m running MSFS on a PC with ultra wide screen. I have a MacBook pro I wanna use to display PFD and ND. I purchased air manager and installed it on the MBP with the msfs plugin feeding it from the PC. I was able to connect them via remote IP address.

I installed a community CPT side flight instrument panel but I have no clue how to move the popped out PFD and ND from my PC to my MBP.

I’d appreciate all the help!


I don’t believe it’s possible in todays current environment.

The only software that comes to mind would be WideFS but I believe it is only for running external (from the sim) applications on another PC on the network, not actually moving the pop outs.

@Crunchmeister71 or @Sling380 could probably assist more.

Review the preferences of the Panel in Air Manager. Scroll down and you will see “Window Preferences”, then “Show Panel on Display” - and you can select which display you have it on. Now…since you are using a different computer and not a monitor, this will take extra configuration.
Your other option is to use SpaceDesk, where you can continue using the Macbook but also use your Phone, Tablet or iPad for this and take advantage of also having a Touchscreen :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That takes care of instruments within Air Manager, but the OP was asking specificall about pop out pannels within MSFS, displaying on another PC.

Yes, you can do that with SpaceDesk. Load Server on main machine, Client on second Machine. Connect. Drag instrument over.

Another idea…use SpaceDesk on your iPhone, Android, etc., to connect to main PC, mirror screen to Macbook. There’s tons of ways/ideas to get this done.

The configuration of a PC and a Mac is not something that is natively supported or that I’ve seen anyone do recently. Its possible you could use some other streaming software to display something from the PC on the Mac but I haven’t tried this myself and only ever seen it being demonstrated once a long time ago. The best bet is to ditch the Mac and use another screen or tablet as extra monitors to the PC as being suggested here already.


Thanks everyone. I tried Spacedesk but it crashed MSFS, although I have a beefy PC. As Sling380 suggested I guess I’m gonna have to ditch the Mac and buy actual monitors. I’m still using my MBP for simbrief, little Navmap and Navi charts. I hope my 3080TI can handle some flight instruments on second monitor and 2 side views on monitors 3 & 4! Time will tell… thanks again folks!

Odd that Spacedesk itself would crash MSFS. Of all the folks who I know have used it, crashing of any kind due to Spacedesk isn’t really a thing. At least if it is, I’m not aware of it. And I had my finger on that pulse for quite a long time until I replaced my tablets with monitors.

Air Manager displays flat 2D graphics and uses minimal GPU resources to do so. I have 4 touch monitors displaying AM instruments. Whether AM is running or not, I see no noticeable performance difference. It uses more CPU than GPU.

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As Crunch said, allot of us used / still use SpaceDesk (myself being one of them) can honestly say I’ve never had it crash MSFS.

Are you on the latest version on your PC as well as the devices connecting?

I use it daily to connect 2 iPads and a tablet.

So something interesting happened yesterday. I went ahead and tried a flight with Spacedesk running instruments to my MBP, and was able to finish an entire flight without issues. The only thing I DID find that my FPS drops by 20!! when I enable the popouts. The second a close them FPS shoots up. Anyone had similar experience? I’m connected via web to PC IP.

This has been a long, long, LONG running issue.

Do a forum search on pop out performance.

Thanks I think I just learned something about Spacedesk that I didn’t know. I need to investigate further.

SpaceDesk also has options on Both the Server and Client that will noticeably affect quality and performance. Remember to play around with those.