Air Manager

Every time I open Air Manager, the following always occurs: Directly above the Task Manager strip on the bottom right of my screen it says "Connected to Flight SImulator 2020". To the right of this is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside it followed by a link that says "Update Available". When I click on this link it says "Update Flight Simulator Plugin". When I click this it says "There is a new Flight Simulator Plugin Available. Click the button below to download and install it on the computer running your flight simulator". The file is an executable file named "flight_sim_setup".
 I get this message each time I open Air Manager, even though I have just downloaded and installed the "flight_sim_setup" file.
 I'm a newbie, so any suggestions for what's going on are appreciated.
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That is a long sentence.

Did you actually run the plug-in installer. When run it should confirm what simulators it found and installed plugins for. Please confirm this is complete by posting a screen shot of this window.

I would recommend you post your issue on their site.
I suspect they may be able to advise you on the issue.

Don’t worry about it. Sim Innovations are aware of this issue. They think it’s just an error where a version number wasn’t correctly updated.

If AM is working for you, just ignore that warning.

Here’s the thread on their forum: When opening Air Manager, I always get this - Sim Innovations Forums

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