Air Truck Challenge 2022 (aka a "road-bound" World Trip)

Ghadames (HLGS) - In Aménas (DAUZ).
Libya & Algeria.
Flight No. 022.

Roads Used: Route Nationale 53 / RN53 (Ghadames - Debdeb-In-Aménas Border) & RN3 (Debdeb-In-Aménas Border - In Aménas).

1. Ghadames - Debdeb: We took off from one of Ghadames’ airfields (which I accidentally placed in Algeria yesterday, instead of in Libya), climbed to 4500ft altitude and circled around the town itself (Pic 1) before joining RN53 towards In Aménas in Algeria, passing the town of Debdeb across the border (Pic 2).

2. Debdeb - Debdeb-In-Aménas communal border: We passed a lot of unnamed settlements, houses and some breathtaking natural formations in the desert beyond Debdeb before arriving at a Military Encampment near the communal border (Pic 11).

3. Debdeb-In-Aménas communal border - In Aménas: Leaving the plateau we’ve been on since entering Algeria (Pic 12) we made our way along the RN3 past another few unnamed buildings (Pic 13, 14 & 15) towards In Aménas.