Air Truck Challenge 2022 (aka a "road-bound" World Trip)

In Aménas (DAUZ) - Illitzi (DA10).
Flight No. 023.

Note: Back from my Easter vacation so you can expect regular post again!

Roads Taken: Route Nationale 3 / RN3 (In Aménas - Illitzi).

1. In Aménas: Taking off from In Aménas (Pic 1) we passed the town itself (Pic 2) and joined Route Nationale 3 (Pic 3) on our way south, deeper and deeper into the Sahara.

2. In Aménas - Illitzi District border: Following the winding road we came across both natural rock formations (Pic 4) but also human settlements, oil wells and other emcampments along the RN3 (Pic 5). Leaving the plateau we’ve been on we found a greenish-grey part of the desert as we turned west again (Pics 6 & 7).

3. Illitzi District border - CW473 Intersection: On our way we often came across areas definitely shaped by human hands but without 3d models, leaving it unclear if they are actual ruins or flat resting places or just unmodeled encampments (Pic 8). After more awesome landscapes (Pic 9) and small signs of enduring human life (Pic 10) we reached a large oued (Pic 11) as well as an intersection with a local road which runs eastwards towards Tarat (Pic 12).

4. CW473 Intersection - Illitzi: Leaving both behind we turned west for a penultimate time (Pic 13) and followed RN3 (Pic 14) to Illitzi Airfield.