Airbus A310-300

There’s a thread about that, it may be useful to you.

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Thank you, I was looking around the internet but this is a nice find :slight_smile:

First, what are you using for peripherals? If you’re not using something that has an axis assigned to “Mixture” and/or “Condition Levers”, than what I’ve shared won’t be relevant.

What I mean is, on my Boeing yoke, I’ve got an axis set to control the Mixture and/or Condition Levers of a piston or turboprop aircraft respectively. If this axis is set to the cutoff position (i.e. not providing fuel to the engine(s)), it will cause the A310 to shutdown when the sim is paused. If I move the sider to full rich/high idle position, then the issue goes away for me in the A310. IniBuilds is recommending that one not even have the Mixture/Condition Levers mapped at all to ensure the issue doesn’t crop up.

Does that help clarify?

Ah ok, so you have a slider on your controller!

I’ve T. Hotas One by Thrustmaster, I don’t have any slider and I haven’t mapped Mixture/Condition to any axis. I use also keyboard and mouse.

I saw that when I resume the game the yoke moves itself, I don’t understand from which it grabs the input

Are you using your Xbox controller in conjunction with your Hotas? If so, do you still have the flight controls mapped to the Xbox controller? In other words, does the thumbsticks and triggers still control the ailerons, elevator & rudder? If so, unmap them from the controller. Build a separate Hotas-compatible Xbox controller profile that removes the flight control axis from it, so that they are only controlled by the Hotas.

Yes, I use also XBOX controller but when the problem occurs it was disconnected. Maybe is also there the problem (disconnected controller from XBOX)

Same here - Honeycomb throttle quadrant

This is a tool with a lot of A310 routes, if you haven’t already tried it. You can specify plane type, arrival/departure airports and airlines etc.


Thank you, looks good

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Anyone else getting absurdly low fuel estimate from Simbrief for the inibuilds A310 profile today?

It suggested 6000lbs of fuel for a flight from SEGS to SELT when it should have been more like 30000 lbs.

Just tried it from EGLL to LOWI and the same is happening there too.

Yes, I’m having low fuel calculationns too.

XBOX user here. I can’t do a long flight because:

  1. Active Pause doesn’t pause the simulation, resume from Active Pause results in airplane crash 100% of the time

  2. Options menu doesn’t pause the simulation, same as above

  3. SET PAUSE ON and SET PAUSE OFF options lock sound and graphic but time goes on. It could be ok but fuel consumption occur

  4. On XBOX there isn’t a Developr mode in order to use Pause from Developer menu

In which way an XBOX user can play this simulator with this good airliner?

Airplane crash when resume:

I have a naive question : why not use the standard A310-304 Simbrief profile ?
The plane eats a bit too much fuel, but planning is fine with the standard profile and a fuel correction of +15% (“Fuel factor : P15”).

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Because up until I used it yesterday the inibuilds profile was bang on the numbers (using a P 80 setting). I’m trying to understand if

A. I am the only one having the issue (i.e. it’s been a very long January and I am stupid)

B. If not, what the issue is, (I checked the inibuilds profile and it hasn’t been changed since November.)

This suggests there may be an issue on the Simbrief side in which case there may be a more global problem than just the inibuilds profile to be aware of.

I’d rather not abandon a (formerly) decent profile for a less accurate one if the issue will be resolved.

This is the oddness I am seeing… this is a SEGS SELT flight plan, suggesting 6k lbs of block fuel but with a possible extra of 46.3.

Anyone know what causes this?

Just re run again this morning and it seems to be working now. The predicted average fuel flow is back to its correct values.

Must be a temporary SimBrief error.

What’s the MSFS controls mapping for the red button on the yoke that confirms autopilot disconnect? I can hit the autopilot button on my Bravo, which turns off AP1 and flips the switch down, but it requires that second input in order to stop the chirping and it’s tough to see the red button click spot on the yoke when flying at night.

“Set Autopilot Disengage” does not work.


For me “autopilot off” works to turn off A/P and confirm

Never had this issue before lol, i used plenty of times the a310 this week and everything went fine.

Seems like “autopilot off” mapped to the Autopilot button on my throttle quadrant works to flip the switch, but won’t end that chirping (and alert) until I can manage to find the button on the yoke.