Airbus A320neo V2

I also experienced bugs with the landing. Either the appr speeds given are not properly calculated causing stall or the autopilot just fails to manage at those speeds. Based on the Asobo a320neo I instead choose to land anywhere from 135-140kts and I land perfectly fine with v2 a320neo.

Takeoff speeds given from pfd are fine if I just change the thrust to 1.8 instead of 0.8 or whatever it gives.

Other than that the aircraft is basically a bit more advanced to use compared to the Asobo version which is a good thing but I will say this aircraft does fly and respond much better. It doesnā€™t make any last minute jerks or issues like the Asobo.

Has anyone lost any performance during a flight? My FPS (on PC) went from an already lowish 30FPS for this aircraft to about 20FPS as soon as I started a managed descent, and was non recoverable. It was repeatable, and didnā€™t improve after a de/re-install of the aircraft either. Only happened after the V2 was patched that happened during the latter satges of SU15 beta.


Hi. If you think is a bug then itā€™s ok and I invite you to report it in the bug reporting hub (if not done already) with screenshots/videos so the developers can address it.

But honestly I have made pretty much a daily flight since the V2 was released back in Feb/Mar and never had the issue you are describing.

I do remember, and I might be mistaken here, that someone reported a similar issue during beta and it turned out to be that after applying the payload/fuel in the EFB the user didnā€™t go to the MCDU INIT B (Or FUEL PRED if your engines are on already) page to synch the ZFW and Block into the MCDU causing the speeds calculation to be way below for the aircraft actual weight/CG.

About disconnecting the AT after A. FLOOR engages I will need to do some testing as I havenā€™t been in that situation before.

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Whatā€™s going on with the sound on this thing?

Itā€™s super quiet from chase cam as if thereā€™s no bass and dynamic range.

I noticed in this plane, that the knobs sometimes have a light on, while theyā€™re OFF and vice versa ! Very unlogic and confusing. Screenshot of autothrottle as example.

Itā€™s a feature of the NEO engines, they are a lot more quieter due to the huge airflow intake through the engine compared to the CEO. I agree the sounds could be improved a bit, especially when using the wing view, but in principle they are quiet like they are supposed to be

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He was talking about TOGA settings not flex.

Totally agree, another headache. And the sounds disappointed me. I continue to enjoy FBWā€¦

Hi, how can you limit airports seen on ND according to runway length? Actually it shows all - even the smalests :frowning:

Itā€™s a bug. Been reporting it since Beta but no action taken yetā€¦

I agree. Iā€™ve tested it at Skiathos, 1600M length. 67 tonnes TOW and the performance calculator told me the takeoff isnā€™t possible even with force TOGA, packs off and flaps 2. Iā€™ve just put in like 155,155,158 for the VSPEEDS and 0.4 trim up. Took off safely with maybe 150M to spare. So performance calculator can use some improvement in this aspect

You have to run the perf calculator even on TOGA.

If Iā€™m not mistaken, the minimum runway length that the A320neo needs to take off (within the safety margins) is 2000m. Which explains why the takeoff performance calculator says that it is not possible to takeoff on 1600m runway.

Now if you wanna go for stunts like Evel Knievel, someone already landed it in Lukla. :slight_smile:
[MODERATOR EDIT: Corrected link]

On the Inibuilds A320NEO on startup engine 1 keeps shutting down. Engine 2 is good. APU Bleed is on. Tried starting on runway. Tried different Panel states on FLY PAD. Tried manual start. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling. frustrated. I really like this cool addon to work. Please H E L P.

Your url is broken, but reading it indicates: ā€œdefault a320ā€ no A320 v2. They are two different planes.

In case is the A320 v2, can you make a video showing the steeps to start engines?

Sounds like a controller conflict. Anything mapped to engine 1 starter or similar?

Haha, I had to double check the flex take-off procedure after my first take off in the A320 V2 because I was not sure I moved the levers to the correct position - 9000ft of runway and I used all of it :laughing:

Anyway, I only did 3 flights in the V2, but so far I am VERY impressed. It does not feel far away from the PMDG 737. Fortunately I did hundreds of flights in the A310 so I didnā€™t have to re-learn everything as the ā€˜philosophyā€™ behind the systems is quite similar. It was stuttering a bit the first time I launched it, but after a restart the stutters are gone and on Xbox (Series X) the performance looks quite similar to the PMDG 737 but I will have to check some larger airports and cities - the 737 gets low FPS there, so I donā€™t expect the A320 to be better.


2000M for a fully loaded aircraft. Thinking that MAX TOW is 73 tonnes and Iā€™ve only had 67 puts me to thinking a little bit. The performance calculator is truly not accurate

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Hi, I am habing a problem using the fuel planner on the a320 ini v2 mcdu. It guesses the weight and cg but when I press fuel planning it does nothing just changes colour and says fuel planning but nothing happens. Do I need a simbrief fpln or will it calculate block fuel like the fbw320? When I press it again it gives the loaded fuel as block fuel. Unless its a coincidence

Yep, fuel planning is not working. Canā€™t remember if was already reported or not.

If you enter the ZFW/ZFWCG and the BLOCK, then the MCDU will make the calculations (if you already have entered takeoff and destination airport and the route.