Here’s a quick review of the new Airbus A330-300 by project mega pack by Flight sim lad. has a mod that makes if compatible with the 32NX. Other thing that came up in separate reviews is that it doesn’t want to descend. Videos show downwards pitch of 5+ degrees for getting to the runway. Hopefully that will be fixed at the same pace we’ve seen 32NX growing.
Really! I have to check that mod! Have you tried it? Works fine?
Hi guys…i was thrilled to get the 330, one of my favourites…the first day, i read that you have ti uninstall the 320 mod if u have it…so i did…the following day, i saw in that file that makes it compatible with the 320 mod…i downloaded it, replaced my 320, and so we go…since then, i had many issues (i cretaed the topic yesterday…“a330 issues”…Neo answered that it might be that thing that the 330 has to be on the folder on its own…so i deleted again the 320 mod and that compatibility fine…and wonder…all is working fine again, …flight followinig the course, no more graphic issues in the cockpit, some buttons working again, so flying great again…and yes, it’s annoying that if i want to fly the 320 again, i have to replace it i the community folder…so the 330, for a freeware aircraft, i have to say it’s pretty decent…hope it helps…
Look at this Drawyay’s video (at 8’15") on A330-300 ! !
The Door page was showing perfectly in ECAM and this should be with A320nx mod. (he states in description down there)
We are so curious about how he could make those sub-menu (door / wings…etc) working? And at the same time he didn’t get those PFD black-out / error text?
This mod has so much potential and when it`s finished it will bring the full range of all Airbus versions to the flight sim (A321, 330-200, and 340, including various freighter versions of all of them). I absolutely LOVE IT!!
But it is very important to update the Fly by Wire compatibility mod together with the Mega Livery pack because these planes are using the standard Airbus cockpit (with texture bug removed on the entry door so the cockpit is absolutely enhanced) to give the aircraft`s systems depth and realism.
Here are some screenshots of the A332-200 v.0.2 with the newest Fly by Wire cockpit and cockpit textures, but unfortunately the Fly by wire compatibility patch for this plane is not updated yet and the cockpit gauges and screens are currently not working on this plane.