Airbus A340-300

Please give us a good A340-300, someone!!!

I’ve flown this aircraft until it’s retirement with the airline I work woth. On the virtual side I flown the BBS A340 on FSX and P3D.

We all deserve a decent complete edition give us the A340-200/300/500/600!!!

It’s a much needed add-on

If you click the pencil next to your title. it will allow you to edit where this post appears. I suggest moving it over to the WISHLIST. This will allow others to vote and maybe it makes its way up the list.
Goodluck. :slight_smile:



Hope it gets many votes!!


Hey everybody! Any of you know if there’s in development an A340 for FS2020? because i was looking for A340 addon then it’s nothing.

yes i love A340 too

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Now I have tried flying an Airbus A340 and I have to say wow I am absolutely impressed!
I have NEVER seen anything like this before, this giant of the skies has an three shaft turbine with N1 N2 and N3 setting, and an engine pressure ratio EPR setting. This is so awesome in my 25 years of flight simming I have never seen an engine like that with three shafts and pressure ratio and other stuff.

Plus the electric page has two pages, one for AC and for DC current.

The cockpit is big and impressive. Wow we definately need the 747 Queen of the Skies - and the other Queen of the Skies, the A340, in our sim!

This is a glimpse of the cockpit awesomness we will get when an A340 is released four our sim!!

Yes please bring an A340. I understand that it´s almost impossible to recreate a Dreamliner or Airbus A350, but a Fenix-quality A340 would be an absolute dream :slight_smile:


This is my favourite plane ever, I hope we eventually see it in MSFS, otherwise I will have to keep XP-11 installed forever


me too i would love to see this in MSFS

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