Airbus A380 FSX import to MSFS with working vockpit

hello community, is it possible for someone to help me, maybe this version is already available somewhere, this is a freeware A380 in good quality, I have already seen many videos that people have imported FSX aircraft into the MSFS, even successfully with working cockpits, can someone offer me / us help, possibly good instructions or even a fully functioning download of the A380 with cockpit FMC and Co? Thank you very much for that and I appreciate your help. many greetings derDonX

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I don’t see any that kind of mods at all, I mean with functional cockpit. Where you see those mods? I don’t think is even possible.

In the FSX Showcase, some have managed to implement functioning imports with cockpit, some have also inserted the cockpits, for example from the A320 ORIGINAL Asobo, into an a321 FSX import, so options seem to be slowly emerging in the community

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There are non trivial ways to move the planes apperance (ie the textures) from FSX over to MSFS. However the flight model and cockpit functionality and everything that is dependent on code and not design is definitely lost during this process.
You can of course then make your imported airplane use the files of other existing planes, which is, why the A321 may have appeared to have a working cockpit. What they did is basically tell the A321 to use the A320’s cockpit files.

IceTeaBubble, can you do something like that by chance? then assign the A380 that it should take the cockpit of the A320?

That is possible… but it need a little bit work

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Utplayer01, I would be so happy if you could do something :slight_smile:

I will try it :slight_smile:

Very Cool :slight_smile: thank u very much for your try


hi Utplayer01, I wanted to ask if the attempt worked? Many greetings derDonX

How, when I want to insert this Cockpit in the a319 converted from Fsx, the liverys and fuel pumps arent working and the wheels are stuck in the ground?