Airbus H225, Boeing CH47D & Magni Gyro M24 Displayed as Airplane in UI

Just a small bug
In Free Flight, select aircraft menu - H225 is no longer in the “Helicopters” tab, but in “Airplane”

Same for ch43d

Confirm issue with the H225 but with also the Boeing CH-47D:

Also confirmed for the CH-47D - see:

And for the H225 & Magni Gyro:

Modified topic title & tags to reflect the two helicopters & Gyrocopter reported in this bug topic.

BTW, i confirm is only with SU1 Build have this issue

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have other craft have this issue

M24 is also under aircraft

same for The Glider Pipistrel Taurus

H225 and CH47D look fix, but

Pipistrel Taurus Still listed as AirPlane, but is a Glider
M24 is also still listed as a Airplane and not like a Heli
BTW, a Helicoptere is also a aircraft (rotary-wing) and Airplane is fixed-wing :stuck_out_tongue:

Edited the title to reflect that! :slightly_smiling_face: