Aircraft Not Moving After Pushback

As the title said, aircraft is not moving after pushback. I have removed the chocks, pin covers and checked all the tags. I’m flying the IniBuilds A330.


Your chocks are still on. Did you remove them?

Same here with the A320, but mine doesn’t even move for pushback. Chocks are removed and brakes released. Also applying full power does not move the plane like it were glued to the ground…

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I know you’ve probably done this so apologise for asking a silly question, is parking break off?

Yep, parking breaks were off. Also tried to restart a couple of times and tried again… Always with the same result. It was working in the exact same configuration yesterday. I am really getting tired of all of this.

Yeah I did that.

For me is hit and miss, no problem with the 321 but no matter what I do with the 330 it just wont move.

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I had the same problem… besides removing the chocks and the GPU you need to turn on the beacon lights before starting the pushback

Same here…. Aircraft just not moving. Chocks off and parking break off. Even with full thrust. I tried to slew myself up a bit (maybe the plane was stuck in the ground) but no. The slew mode is broken, it just crashes the plane and sends you up in the air. Starting to lose hope…

Same here happening in the 320/1 but ok in the 330. Chocks and gpu removed, brakes off and the thing just won’t move

Happened again… This time with the A400M after pushback. This is so annoying.

This happened to me on one flight with the C172. Swiching to external view, I found that the pushback pushed me into the side of a building that wasn’t there before.

possible solution:

CHECK BRAKE AXIS on controller settings and invert both right and left brake axis.

In short term you’re constantly braking with your feet. :slight_smile:

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In the A330, I found that even though you removed the chocks in the walkaround, you still need to remove them (again) in the aircraft EFB.

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Thank you, will try this today

Update: I tried it but it still won’t move….


Same problem here with the stock FS2024 A330 – removed all the pins, chocks, (on the ground and in EFB) and disconnected ground power; turned on beacons etc; turned off parking brake etc. But when I request pushback – the tug comes, but the aircraft does not move!

Happend to me a few times allready, no matter which plane. After pushing brakes for a few times more with full throttle sometimes it “releases” it and I can continue taxi. Also happens on taxi route when waiting for runup or something. Like stick/glues to the ground. Quicksand feeling.

check brake axis on your rudder pedal, by default are upside down. That means you’re breaking with your feet.

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Brake axis are not set for me, i have the same in the Airbuses. Cant remember if 737 too but i think so.

I have deleted every single command that has to do with brakes, from keyboard as well from other hardware and remapped only “Brakes” to a joystick button, same.
I unplugged all hardware besides keyboard and mouse, same.
Ive tried the Fenix, same.

PS, no rudder pedals here.

What hardware are you guys using? TM Airbus here.

What ive noticed, whenever this issue starts (after pushback), if i go to controls and search for buttons, it wont work anymore reliably. It searches a button but if it got found, the UI doesnt stay active and returns same moment again. It can also happen that it doesnt find the button at all! Like you move the parking brake while scan for input is active but it wont be found.
THen you go into a GA plane/restart the flight it suddenly finds it agin and one can also see the parkbrake move in plane.

I mean, usually if you do that, you get the UI that shows the conflicts and where it lets one change all kinds of settings. This doesnt work anmyore correctly until one leaves the flight.

Im so tired of this.