Aircraft showing as "generic", although I own them. Or do I?

Hello great people of the community. I choose to put this here for now, as I am not sure if it’s a bug or not. Please be free to move it to another category if you see that fit.

The thing is, I have for a long time noticed that some planes while on ground appears as generics although I (think) I have them installed in my Xbox content manager. Of course I know this can be pc-simmers with different versions of the said aircraft. Is there any way to, kind of, find that out to rule out a bug?

It’s not a very big deal, since it’s only noticeable for me while parked at gate and/or taxiing. Don’t do much close formation flying while airborne. Adding some pics taken in airport vs content manager.

I believe that unless you have the exact aircraft in your sim, it will not be displayed, and the sim will use another aircraft in it’s place.

I think, but am not sure, that the aircraft livery .cfg file must state it can be used as well.
isAirTraffic = 1 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic

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check your traffic settings. At the bottom there is an option for ‘use generic models for multiplayer traffic’ that needs to be turned off for multiplayer planes to show as their actual models.

They could also have a livery installed that you don’t have. This will also cause them to show up as generics.

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traffic settings" …

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in addition to the settings (specifically Traffic- Use Generic Models)

you not only have to have the aircraft but also the exact same Livery
its possible those f18’s had a custom livery which you dont have installed?
liveries change the ‘aircradft name’ so are treated almost like a separate model (infact some liveries use custom models)

on the 787 is that like an addon aircraft?
note the call letters displayed are diff (B748 / B78X)
im not at all familier with these


Thanks, I think that pretty much answered my question. Wasn’t aware that I also needed to have the exact same livery for the sim to portray the correct aircraft model. I’m on Xbox and only has access to market place livery packs, so guess I’ll just have to live with it :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for your replies :+1:

On Xbox there is no way of changing from the generic models you’re seeing in the settings like you can on PC unfortunately. That option is greyed out.

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Yes this is a sad situation. I am not a coder by any means so I don’t know how difficult this would be:

If you own an aircraft “type” then it should not matter what the livery is, you should see a model of that aircraft.

If you don’t own an aircraft type, (IE F-14) then you should see a similar model type which is in the official folder (say the Asobo F18).

This way you would never see a squadron of B747’s doing acrobatics…

This for me IS the biggest failure of the sim for immersion. But like you, I just live with it, and if I am in a group flight I try to get all the appropriate livery if able.


Are you on an Xbox?

Because the issue with the Xbox is a matter of performance stability management.

The compromise is loading user aircraft as low poly generic models to maintain a stable performance characteristic.

It’s interesting how on a PC we can choke down our systems as we please by fully dialing up any and all settings to their maximum, but that freedom is completely eliminated by removing all those controls from a console version’s UI.

Nope, I am on a PC from day one…. I have both marketplace and 3rd party Addons

So the PC functions the same way as the Xbox does?

I thought there was a setting for changing plane models. What does that do, specifically?

There is a way to set generic aircraft in multiplayer, but in my experience it does absolutely nothing.

That is rather lame. Like you, I’d have thought if your PC has the muscle and you own the aircraft and have its model installed, then you ought to be able to set up the sim to display other user’s aircraft that match those models.

That seems like a rather large flaw.

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