Aircraft-specific control profiles

ForderLearntoFly featured it today, here they are talking about the Aircraft Control Presets feature:

From 36:30

They talked about all the other features (some small innaccuracies though!) from 26’ if you want to see them run through the main Aircraft Manager panel.

Thanks @N6722C for kicking that off. It’s been a challenge to get streamers/youtubers to even look at it, and both these guys bought it themselves and are using it.

It’s great “Aircraft Specific Contol Profilles” has finally moved from “Under Investigation” to “planned” status, so hopefully we’ll see it sometime - unless they defer it to what looks like the new UI system development.
Plus they will also have to fix the bug with duplicate controllers not being recognised properly.

As I mentioned here though, talking about the four apps - including my Location Manager - which let you start cold anywhere, our addons bring more to the user experience table than a single feature, no matter how useful that may be: Today's Dev Q&A - Cold and Dark Starts in the Water....? - #16 by Sonicviz

I have to keep saying that because it’s my response to “#ThingsThatShouldBeDefaultInTheSim”.
Lots of things should be in the sim, but they’re not…yet.