Aircraft staying on the simulator for days

I am seeing aircraft on the simulator in the same plane for days There is a VOLUBLETLOCKET VL3 262 sitting at CYTZ on the end of a runway and it has been there for days . It never moves and stays there all the time

I’ve had this or a similar bug for years. I’ll even see friends show up on the map in the same place when they haven’t even logged into the simulator for months. It’s very odd, but in my case I think it’s just the world map that’s impacted. I don’t think I’ve seen them in the simulator itself. I wonder if anyone else with FS2020 could check CYTZ and see if he’s there. What server are you on?

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I’m sorry, I just came in from Huston to downtown Toronto for a burger. Thought I’d stay only a couple of hours but then became IFR. Will move it soon.

Elon :wink: