Airport beacon light

Does anybody know how I can add an airport beacon light (green-White) to a scenery? The light source seems to be a separate object, because when adding an airport beacon mast it has no light on top. Where can I find the only light-object? I think it should be possible to place the light onto an imported 3D-building (tower).

Thanks for help!

did your create your own object ? you can stick it to a named object from your 3dmodel.

ok, but how to do it? Where can I find the lights to place on my building?

please see image how to, after this save your scenery and Build it and copy paste source to the right community folder and launch fs2020 again, beacon should be active than on the small object you see on the photo, remind the pivot in 3dmax is the target where the light will stick on.

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Sorry- I can not understand … Is the glowing beacon as such available as an object in MSFS or not? Is it not possible to place it directly via Gizmo at the desired position? (translate,rotate, scale)? What role does the external 3D-Tool (3D-Max?) play? Does the beacon have to be created first in it with the light effects?

Is the glowing beacon as such available as an object in MSFS or not?
yes, place your custom created object in msf2020 select properties and select has beacon

Is it not possible to place it directly via Gizmo at the desired position?
no not that i know maybe in the future

What role does the external 3D-Tool (3D-Max?) play?
there you created the referention point, look at my screenshot, this point has an name (beacon) or call it how you want, fs2020 need to know that name in the scenery editor, if it find it in the custom 3dobject fs2020 glue the light on that point

Does the beacon have to be created first in it with the light effects?
No see screenshot

The airport beacon, control tower, and some other objects have a checkbox to enable the beacon and specify its type in the properties area. I am not sure about adding to an imported object.

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I tried to enable the option for the Beacons for my custom control towers, however there is no options to control the exact position of that beacon. When I compile and install in Community, the Beacon is up in the air above the 3D model.

There is an option to attach it to a point or something like that. Maybe in 3DS Max or Blender we can add a tag to an exact point of the 3D object and link that Beacon to it.

I will send a Zendesk suggestion for the Beacon: Ideally with a XYZ gizmos, we can move it around and place it at the exact spot visually, like a 3D object.


Providing you have correctly linked the beacon to your “own” 3D object and have followed the procedure as described above. The beacon will be carried with that object when you bring it into MSFS airport designer.

All you have to consider is that the light will always be approximately 31m above the objects origin.
If your beacon Tower is less than 31m in height, removing the snap to ground option will allow you to sink the origin of your object below the ground,

For instance. If your tower is only 10m Tall. When you make the object within Blender or 3DS ensure that it is 31m tall from it’s origin to the link point (where the Beacon will sit).

I personally build build 31m Towers and in most cases 20m of it are below the ground. This gives me versatility to set the tower height at different airports, allowing adjustment of the height between 0m and 31m just by how deep it is planted.

As a further note. Obviously the tower should be a separate object to your main airport, so that its vertical position can be adjusted “relative” to the airport objects.


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