Airports are just grass

Brief description of the issue: All airports I’ve been to are just grass. Shows no taxi lines or anything related to the airport. It’s just grass

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered: Just load in a map normally. Not done anything to cause the bug

Maybe this is something to do with my game files but I can’t do anything in airports since it’s literally just grass

Definitely you game files in that case. Even at airports where there is no representation in the sim, but Navigraph describes them, you have an airport to land at, but no physical representation i.e. buildings, taxiways etc. Just a runway.

I don’t even have a Runway since it’s literally just grass everywhere. No joke I can’t do anything.

My point is this isn’t a ge real problem…until it is. Which airport is that?

Also, so you have any mods installed that affect building models? If you have a mod that replaces things , it could be a broken mod.

which mods are installed ?

It does look like a conflict.
Completely empty your community folder and try the sim again.
If all is good when you try after that, place your content back bit by bit, until you find the culprit

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None No mods are installed. Don’t know how to install them.

Where do I find that?

You just drop them in the MSFS “Community” folder, that is why if it was mod related, and you emptied the folder, you may have solved the issue.

I had no mods in the first place since I don’t know how to install them. If i had mods sure i would of checked and took them out

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Yup just mentioning FYI.
Ok try this:
With the sim running, on the main startup screen, top right, select “Options”
In there on the left select “General”
From the left menu, select “Data”
On that screen, make sure your settings look like this.

Have you been in dev mode sure there is an option in the developer menu at the top of the screen which turns the surfaces off might be the detail maps option. or draw on terrain something like that. should be ticked.

Incase you don’t know developer mode can be switched on via developers tab in general settings.

Thank you for this. Turns out the bing data option was off and that fixed the issue. Thank you very much. Didn’t understand why it wasn’t on in the first place

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Thank you for letting me know. New to msfs so I don’t know these things. Thanks for letting me know

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No worries glad you fixed it with the above post anyway. Unlikely it would be something from dev mode if had never touched it anyway.

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