Airports by Country / State / Territory

In FSX we had the ability to search for airports by country state or territory when putting together the flight plan. It would be nice to see that in FS2020. Unfortunately, since the world map doesn’t have land borders you can’t zoom in to a specific country and see all of its airports, especially if it’s landlocked. Try finding all the airports in Afghanistan for example, or the state of Arkansas. One thing I’ve had to do is search for a list of Airports in [country/state] on Wikipedia and then search for their ICAO codes in the World map.

It would just be a nice to have.

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When you search for an airport it can be difficult to find the airport you are looking for if it is a common name. It would be nice if country and state/province were included on airport list to help narrow the search.

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Please add filters on the planning page to select airports by at least country’s. It is impossible to locate airports if you don’t know the names in advance…unless I am missing something!

I would love to see the old airport sorting menu where for instance for the united states you could narrow down airport selection based on state, county, city/town and maybe even minimum runway filter. This would be terrific.

Would also be awesome to have a way to change aircraft without having to end the flight and re load everything.

Now you will find blacktoolbar in the Sim.
Pulldown Windows => Aircraft selector.

Airports: I am also looking for it !!!

Show Country Names by a FILTER same as any other item. Get this done. Thank you.

Please add a Region Filter for the Marketplace menu:
1st Level the Continents and
2nd Level the Countries where contents are availablle for.
and maybe:
3rd Level by State / Region.

The perfect addition would be a improved world map where we can find all available downloads in the marketplace. ORBX has a really nice map for their downloads in the ORBX Central App! I would love a solution like this. It looks amazing but i want to buy and manage my addons directly by microsoft.