Airports in the new world update - Payware versions

wow many thanks. Another credit to our community… Thank you.

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By the way, just uninstalled the Gaya/Asobo version and added the BMotW again and there are no problems with the new DEM for LIPB. No gaps or missing textures or anything. So you’re free to chose if you own both. :+1:

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In my opinion both are trash. The Asobo one is trash because the jetways are screwed up and some of the buildings don’t look like they do in real life. Amsim is trash because of all the missing details and bad/vanilla texturing. Amsim nailed the jetways then screwed up the actual building. Amsim nailed the night lighting and land side, but the building has no interior. Asobo has the old sinage and an incorrect fire station. Like I said they are both bad. The good new is no one paid for the Asobo one. Since I paid for the AMSIM one I’m going to use it since it has correct custom jetways. and no weirdness. If Asobo can fix the jetways I might just toss AMsim. I can’t believe ORBX signed off on that scenery. It looked pretty bad from screen shots but for 10 bucks it was acceptable. And no one knew LICJ would be the airport. I was thinking/hoping for Naples Capodichino since they had Naples proudly displayed in the FS world from the start.

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Well, those jetways don’t bother me and I usually fly areas with daylight to enjoy the scenery (autistically I just refuse to use a different time than the real one :sweat_smile:), so I deleted the AMSim version. Naples would be great, yes, my first flight after WU update was a short hop from LICJ to Naples actually. I was hoping for Malta LMML but I get they don’t do bigger airports in the world updates. I guess I must go with the JustSim’s version. It’s on sale anyway.

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How much is the LMML Scenery in the market place? I do think LIRN Naples should of got some love. No 3rd parties seem to be doing it, and it is a popular airport with some beautiful scenery.

I guess it was 12 or 13 euros.

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LICJ will be even better when they finally include the jetways for all gates. We have only custom jetway around gate 112, but default for other… ■■■ :joy:

(autistically I just refuse to use a different time than the real one :sweat_smile:

LOL! I do the exact same thing!

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Same. I cant roll back the time or forward… Its a bad affliction lol


I bought LMML through the store. It is under £11 on the MSFS Market place, which I never use, but on Simmarket it is £21.57 Inc tax…Crazy

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The Asobo WU9 LICJ is much better than the Orbx/AMsim!


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