Alder Lake i9-12900k


thanks for your feedback. As I previously wrote, these are only partially leisure rigs. What’s more - adopting new hardware early usually has the benefit that I am able to sell my previous gen gear with pretty decent returns compared to their resale value after 3 or 4 years. But that aside, here are my answers to your questions:

Ad 1. I’m sorry if I was imprecise in my above posting. You’re absolutely right about that native HMD panel resolution of 2160x2160, but for a decent visual experience, lens distortion has to be corrected. And this happens by rendering at approx. 1.5x higher resolution, see for example
WMR Scaling and Dev Tools - Some Explanations.

Ad 2. Yes, these are +50MHz for GPU and +500MHz for VRAM, which is as far as I can go stable on my already factory-overclocked 3090. These give me roughly 2 FPS higher MIN/1% in MSFS at no cost (except from the monthly energy bill).

Ad 3. I was a little imprecise here as well, using that wide-spread but incorrect nomenclature of “TAA resolution” - thanks for pointing that out. So basically in that second test I was running OXR resolution at 200%, in-game VR resolution at 50% and using TAA.
