All 3rd party offline AI traffic not working since last 2 updates

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N/A, but I have tested flightplans with default AI planes only and they also do not work.

Brief description of the issue:

Since the 2nd to latest update, all offline AI traffic other than the default file stopped working. Prior to that update, flightplans generated by AI Flight Planner could be “mounted” in the community folder in a layout that displayed the custom traffic when offline AI traffic was selected. Since that update, the sim is still finding the AI planes required, as they show up in VATSIM model matching and as “ground traffic” if that is activated, however, all flight plans mounted by AIFP or added manually using the same layout as AIFP mounted files (worked previously) no longer work. With the default AI traffic file disabled, no custom traffic appears at any time of day at any airport. With the default traffic on, that is all you see. Up until the 2nd to last update, my custom-installed AI traffic worked properly. Obviously the required file structure has changed.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Gates filled with offline “ground traffic”, proving the AI models+repaints are not the issue.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

I even tried to create traffic using only default AI planes, and even they no longer appear with custom generated flightplans using the “old” file structure previously working before the last 2 updates.

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PC version

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Update prior to NZ world update.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Others have reported the exact same issue with no soultion.

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It would appear that we need to know how the sim now reads a package to determine it is AI traffic, and why the traffic.bgls no longer generate AI traffic all of a sudden.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes, I see little to no AI air traffic in and around airports whereas normally inbound traffic would land and/or depart from the airport I’m at. This stopped working not long ago. I’m building and testing various airports / scenery add-ons and spend a lot of time parked and/or in pattern and there’s a marked decrease in arriving and departing traffic.

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I am not using any other custom packages but I am using developer mode on occasion but this occurs even with it disabled.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Its hard to capture a shot of empty skies and have it provide any meaning.