I just noticed this today, but in the map, every airport now has the “wrench” icon next to it. I assumed this meant custom or add-on airports airports only. Is this normal? I haven’t installed any third party scenery at all. The only thing I have installed was Navigraph, but being new to it, I’m not sure if that would cause this?
These icons do appear to be caused by the Navigraph data and there has been some existing discussion. You may wish to check the following topics for more:
From Navigraph forums: MSFS World map - All airports marked as 3rd party - Navigraph Forums
Thank you…I googled and found the answer after searching for awhile…Think I got it fixed now…
It’s not a wrench, though, it’s a wall plug icon like a “plug-in”.
please share the fix
How, please share…
Edit the manifest.json file in Navigraph Nav data folder:
Change the creator from Navigraph to Asobo studio.
Thanks !
Yep, that the solution I found! One note…which took me a second to figure out, is the navigraph navdata folder is in the FS community folder…
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