All servers read 250 ping?

Hey :slight_smile:

For reference I have 400mb download and 36 up and even tested connection and reset Internet and is all good my end. Just a few days ago suddenly every server was 250 ping and still is… i was getting 26 ping before in uk North and west. What happened and is there a fix for this?

Thank you

East USA is 63ms atm (sometimes spikes close to 100ms). Asia 126ms, Europe 153ms.

Was it mentioned if they will increase the server numbers and add more locations like South America?

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Where do you see the ping info? I’m curious.

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on the main menu at the top click your profile pic and it’s below… but my ping says 250 constantly… that can’t be good…

Yeah it’s very odd i don’t understand it

Thanks for the quick answer! I’m wondering if that’s why my photogrammetry cities don’t look as good as other people’s pictures. According to ookla speed test, I ping at 11ms and have 241 down with 12ish up.

I figured it couldn’t be my internet connection but maybe it’s their servers.

Who knows, my problems my lie in my computer hardware. Running 4k with 8700k OCed to 5GHz and 2080ti 32GB 3200MHz cas 16 ram.

Either way, I hope it’s their servers and nothing on my end.


Yeah it’s certainly not my end i also have the exact same specs as you but i run 1440p and not 4k for the extra fps and i get 60fps stable 95% of the time. I prefer small airstrips as that is what i would be doing realistically in the real world. I wouldn’t be flying at large airports haha.

I get about 45 to 50 or so on high and ultra settings. The performance is fine. I’m just curious about the scenery and if it’s on my end or the server end of things.

Definitely not touching airliners. I do that for work…I’m all about GA these days haha

Normally I have between 32 and 41 ms

I’m suffering the same issue and because of this, I cannot even open my manual cache to download scenery. Takes forever and a day. My connection is good, so not from my end. Moreover, I contacted Xfinity and they did everything, resets, etc. and nothing. They say it’s not from their end. Here’s my normal ping on every other thing except FS2020:


New York:

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Yeah I wonder if they will so anything about this or if zendesk know?

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For those of us having the 250ms ping issue, is anyone able to connect to third party stuff like the Pilot2ATC or Self Loading Cargo? I am not able to, and I think it’s because of this ping issue. Please let me know, anyone. Thanks.

Guys, I cannot confirm this at the moment. West Europe where I am and 32ms

But thanks a lot for the tip and I will keep an eye on this!!