Hello !
I was wondering if it was technically possible for the devs to allow the sim to go higher than 60 fps in fullscreen and with vsync ON ?
If yes it would be awesome to do so !
I have got good specs and i would enjoy the benefits of the fluidity.
Précision : i have got a 144 Hz monitor
Thank you !
if you have vsync on then it’s waiting for your monitor to refresh, which means it is locked to your monitor’s refresh rate, which is generally 60Hz. If you want a higher framerate with vsync enabled you need a monitor with a better refresh rate.
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Nope sir, i tell you this because i have got a 144hz monitor and all my other games are working just fine
this is the prouf that FS doesnt go further 60 fps on its own will.
Even in the settings menu there are 3 refresh rate options in FS : 20/30/60
Only mine is 4K 120Hz, so will be useful to have with maybe next years CPUs and GPUs and DirectX12 
Currently hitting 100 - 120Hz in many games already with 4K high or ultra settings with a 5900X and 6800 XT, so should not be beyond the realms of possibility in the not too distant future
It seems like we are not able to select which Hz we want the game to use.
It uses the Hz you are using at windows desktop. I have a 120Hz monitor and with 60Hz on desktop, I can only play the game in 60Hz, and with 120Hz at desktop, the game runs in 120Hz. I usual keep windows in 60Hz and select 120Hz in all my games, but does not have that option in MSFS… (When using more than 60Hz in windows, my VRAM is on max which is why I keep desktop at 60Hz)
That’s what Nvidia Fast Sync does. Direct3D probably doesn’t provide any mechanism for game developers to implement it themselves (besides running in windowed mode and letting DWM take care of it). Most people are setting a FPS limit to obtain better smoothness anyway.
Either your refresh rate is set @ 60Hz or you don’t have a strong enough PC to get >60 FPS.
Those numbers are a mistake by the UI developers. Those three numbers should equal refresh rate divided by 3/2/1 respectively.
The option labels were changed some time ago to correctly say “100% refresh rate”, “50% refresh rate”, and “33% refresh rate”. I think this can be closed now.
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I think this thread is based on the old labels of 20/30/60 fps which are now correctly labeled as fractions of the refresh rate? If you are set at 144 Hz the 100% rate option should indeed give you up to 144 Hz now (not that you’ll get it, obviously, with things being CPU-limited)
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The original post didn’t mention Xbox or PC. I assume PC.
The monitor refresh rate must first be set in the graphics driver, like nVidia Control Panel. Then the sim will let you set its refresh to a percentage of this.
I believe Sync in the sim will only work if you have G-Sync or Adaptive Sync enabled in the driver controls as well.
The Xbox release didn’t exist yet when the post was written, so definitely PC. 
Thanks, Detective Vibstronium. 
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