Allow us to remove Active Pause from toolbar

Active pause is a pain in the undercarriage.

Now we have it as a button on the tool bar. Also the only button that cannot be configured off.

Personally, I’d be quite happy to see Active pause completely eradicated forever. However, I understand that someone, somewhere may actually like the idea.

Please at least let us delete it from the tool bar. v1.8.3 Tool bar - everything off:

EDIT 05-Nov-20: I’ve changed the thread title. I don’t use ‘Active Pause’ because I find it unpredictable. But happy for it to be left in the sim. As I originally said above, I would like to be able to take it off the toolbar if I choose … just like all the other toolbar options.

big issue here: if you’re currently on an autopilot setting like an ILS approach, and you do active pause, the AP will continue to trim the aircraft so when you un-pause, the plane noses up violently and you crash and burn in a fiery heap of carnage.

anyone else experience this fun scenario?

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Yup. Wondering how this issue passed through alpha and beta stage. As far as I noticed the „pause“ option only freezes the plane at the spot it is, but the entire simulation keeps running.


Me too. Active paused to lookup different approach procedure and trying to spin the knob without the turbulence. Next thing I know the stall horn is going off and when I took off the pause I pitched nearly vertical.

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This needs fixing in my view. Using ESC to pause, overlays the menu, so is useless for screen shots. There should be a pause that leaves you free to look around, take photos etc… Is there one?

Multiple times. I trim up, then pause, and when I un-pause, the plane violently jerks out of control. I even had a situation where I paused in level flight, and then “crashed” due to airplane stress – while still paused!

BIG bug


There is a way to do this with a “normal” pause. Have a look in the guides section, “how-to-how-to-actually-pause-the-sim”

Unfortunately there’s LOTS of things that got through the alpha/beta stages. This is why you do an OPEN beta for brand new software, you get way more feedback.

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Let’s just say the Alpha test group were more surprised than anyone else when the release date was announced. Nuff said.

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I thought the same thing when release was announced and it was 2 weeks away.

I thought “We’re SO going to be beta testing this on release” lol

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Personally, having not been chosen to participate in the Alpha group, I’m just happy to have been given the opportunity to buy in to the Beta group :wink:


Try Pausing at takeoff after pushing the throttles full forward.
… Leave it 10 secs and unpause. A Cessna takes off down the runway like an F1 car !

Hello, my active pause is kind of buggy.

Firsly, the sounds keep playing, the plane keeps “wobbling”, scenery cars and such keep moving around while paused. I guess that’s not too bad, but the plane sound not stopping is a little annoying.
In FSX everything froze in place (except the camera you could still pan around)

Second issue I have is that aircraft parameters change while you’re paused. If I’m descending and pause the game, the airspeed indicator keeps increasing, and I eventually get a black “crash” screen because of overspeed, WHILE I’m still paused. Active pausing on the ground also caused me some strange things like the plane sliding after unpausing because things like airspeed or whatnot were affected while pause was active.

Active pause is the worst !
Here’s how you can actually pause the game (like old times):

Wow it’s actually implemented in the game but unused by default? I’m curious to their rationale behind that.

It’s supposed to give you the opportunity to take in the breathtaking sights all around you without having to worry about staying straight and on course.

Pretty sure they even haven’t tested the thing in real flight conditions…

Active Pause will be the undoing of many a flight-simmer. Not only does it do what @PowerStar21 said above, but it also continues to burn fuel. Imagine using Active Pause and leaving the PC to have your dinner. When you come back your tanks are empty and un-pausing results in you plummeting to your doom.

I know a few users are experiencing issues with AP but I’ve found another trigger for AP disconnect and unrecoverable rotation of the aircraft. I set up an IFR route from Manchester (EGCC) to Schiphol (EHAM) with the A320 aircraft model. Take off, climb to Top of Climb, cruise and descent to Top of Descent all went according to plan. Over the North Sea, I hit Active Pause to take a call, came back and hit Active Pause again to resume the flight. At his point, the AP disconnected, the aircraft rotated nose down and rolled onto it’s back. AP wouldn’t reconnect and aircraft wouldn’t respond to controls. Not sure if anybody else has experienced this and would be interested to know. I’ll submit a bug report through Zendesk and see what comes back although I’m sure the development team have got a lot to get through at the moment :slightly_smiling_face:

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The Autopilot of almost every aircraft goes crazy while in active pause because the airplane systems are still running. Mostly this leads to a misstrimmed airplane that goes into a nose dive after disabling the Autopilot. A quick fix for that is not to use the active pause but the normal pause (escape). I think somewhere in the keybindings a real pause, like fsx or xplane has, exists too.

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