I started a YouTube channel devoted to flight instruction in MSFS that many of you may be interested in.
The name of the channel is Alpha Hotel Flight Simulator Training. The goal of the channel is to create “study level” training videos for MSFS enthusiast. I cover the topic in as much detail as is needed to explain it clearly, the do some demonstration flying to demonstrate the concept. The videos tend to be on the longer side, but I do put in bookmarks so they can be watched over multiple sessions, and you can skip the parts you’re not interested in (or already know about.) I try to keep the training grounded in real world procedures, while acknowledging that everything is not the same in flight sim.
I started with the basics - a video series on private pilot level flying in the Cessna 152, which I completed this summer. As the channel progresses, I will be doing a series on instrument flying, a series on advanced avionics, and a series on checking out on different types of aircraft - moving to more advanced equipment as we go.
I have a background as a civilian flight instructor and professional pilot, but I got a lot of my motivation and interest in aviation through flight simulator many years ago - and I still have a passion for flight simulator flying and the flight sim community.
Links to the channel and some of my more popular videos are below. I recently completed a series on the G1000 and G1000 NXI that folks seem to be enjoying. Please check it out if you are interested.