Alternative to Beechcraft Baron

I have the standard version and the Beechcraft Baron is not available to me, but I have read it’s supposed to be a great plane.

Is there an alternative ?

Alternative in what sense? A “current” GA twin?

Carenado Piper Seneca maybe.

Yes, something as a current replacement for GA

Carenado PA44 Seminole Is decent, steam gauges if you like that. Not what I’d call current though.
Easy flier, not the best for site seeing, like most GA twins :slight_smile:

You might have a look at
Just Flight - PA-28R Turbo Arrow III/IV (MSFS)
very capable airplane.


Seminole is more like a multiengine trainer. The Seneca is much closer to the Baron in size and power.


You know, considering the price of a single, good plane, the Premium Deluxe upgrade is an amazing value. You get the plane you want, and you will probably fall in love with another 3 or 4.

That said, as mentioned above, Carenado has made a couple well received dual pistons.


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Hi there,
Since this is mostly going to be a third-party discussion, I’ve put this in Third Party Addon Discussion > Aircraft.

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The Carenado Cessna C337H Skymaster II. A great plane to fly. Push pull so flys like a single engine got a auto pilot that works retracts etc. A good price to in MS store.


Diamond DA62

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That is a very good point! I think that actually may be the best option as I am also spotting a few airports I would like


My vote is for the DA-62 with the DA62x mod from


It is a little bigger than the Baron, but the Flysimware Cessna 414 looks really good. It might be worth waiting for. Not sure of the release date, but it can’t be too far off.

Yep. If you’re already liking MSFS 2020, then the upgrade to the Premium Deluxe version is Step 1 of further expansion. It will give you the most bang for your buck! :grinning:


Actually you will only need the Deluxe to pickup the Baron and the Steam 172 - but that said you are better off just going for Premium Deluxe. That way you also get the Cessna Longitude, SR22 and the amazing little Pipistrel Virus .

Note that in real life the light piston twins like the Baron are tending to be squeezed out by turbo prop singles these days. Partly because a turbo prop single is actually more reliable and safer than a piston twin. The Baron can hold altitude on one engine but on a good day is lucky to get much more than 100 fpm climb while straight and level. So your not going to get over that looming mountain with one engine and if you need to turn to avoid it better make it gentle or you will start losing altitude.

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Well at present, it might well be the Seneca but if you can hang on a short while longer, the Milviz Cessna 310R is inbound. It has been for a long time too, but this should raise the bar somewhat. Another interesting inbound is the Blackbox Trislander, which is a bit more errr… agricultural but loses nothing for that. Their Islander is superb.

Can’t recommend the Seminole. It’s disappointing in more ways than one. The Seneca on the other hand is a very nice aircraft.

However, an upgrade to the Premium Deluxe - as mentioned by several others - will give you a host of additional aircraft and airports. That’s definitely a great bargain.

The Baron is also one of the better Asobo models, and flies nicely. The downside (for me at least) is the glass panel cockpit, although with the NXi option it’s caught my interest once again.

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Thanks for all the feedback :slight_smile: I caved in and got the upgrade. Also because I wanted to fly the 787 Dreamliner.