Altiport Notre Dame de la Salette has become excessively difficult


Notre Dame de la Salette has always been a tough challenge. But since one of the updates, large trees are now present just before the landing.

The landing challenge is still manageable, but the bush trip leg with the Diamond DA40 NG is now a nightmare. I crashed something like 12-15 times before succeeding tonight.

Some before/after pictures: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The landing path seen on this video (at 2:00) is not possible anymore: WORLD RECORD - #1 Global Leaderboard | Real Pilot - La Salette Landing Challenge | MSFS - YouTube

The take-off has become incredibly tricky as well.

This was before:

This is now:

So far I’ve not managed to take off without stalling or going into a tree.

Thank you for your screen shots. They are very helpful, but I am struggling to even locate the airport, let alone attempt a landing.

As you say, following an update the guidance photo may be incorrect now.

I will persevere.

Thank you for your reply. Here is the airport (LFPS) on the map:

The landing challenge is still available for download in the package manager, but it’s a lot more difficult as part of the Bordeaux-Mont Blanc bush trip.

Thank you - I have managed to land at la Salette (well, it was more of a controlled stall actually).

But, like you, I am unable to take off. I have been experimenting with ‘Slew’ to move the Diamond further up the slope to give a greater run-up, but I cannot get the function to work (Perhaps it has been disabled for Bush Flights).

I will persevere (again).

Takeoff is not meant to be in this direction! Landing only.

Takeoff is off the opposite side of the mountain! There are two takeoff directions, one in line with the landing runway, and another off to the right.

You can see it a little more clearly here at 4:29, between the trees to the right. I think the departure they used here is the more common one though.

Ooh right, makes sense! Thank you, that’s good to know!

Looks like most people got it wrong as well. :smiley:
In fact, it’s the direction towards which the game starts you off. ^^

Yeah the runway start point needs changing.

That is the real solution to this bug!

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