Altitude knob - Beechcraft Baron G58

I noticed that the altitude knob on G1000 for the Baron G58 is missing, is this by design or is it just me and my settings?


I see the same… Wondering if by design or just missing?

It’s not by design. In the Planes and Airports trailer you can see the altitude knob there, so it’s a bug that’s causing it to no longer show up.

I made a separate joystick profile for G58 and added bindings to buttons for altitude selection.
You can also use default keyboard bindings.

Autopilot reference altitude selection
left control + page up for increase
left control + page down for decrease

Vertical speed selection
left control + home for increase
left control + end for decrease
I believe you must have autopilot VS button active for this to work


This is probably the best advice until the knob is added.

I had just been hitting the Alt Hold button when I reached the correct level, but I’ve busted so many clearances already :rofl:

Yep, it’s missing for me too, and showing up as just a flesh-colored circle.

Yup, same here.