Altitude setting in Longitude adjusts in increments of 1000 feet

Since the last update, the autopilot altitude setting in the Longitude adjusts in increments of 1000 feet. I would really like if I could set the altitude by 100s or even 10s of feet.

Is there a fix, or am I stuck with this?

Press the ALT knob.

Oh thank you so much!

Ok, I am still having problems in trying to push on the altitude knob in order to get something different than 1000 foot increments, Altitude knob lights up blue when cursor is over it and when trying to make adjustments with mouse wheel it turns yellow, any other help you can give me.

Ypu dont turn it with the mousewheel, you push it with LMB.

The ALT button is a toggle between 1000s and 100s.

Btw, This is not new behavior, it’s been this way since release.

If you using a PC and mouse, LMB on the altimeter knob and RMB click to change it to 100ft and vice-versa.
if you have the tool tip activated then when your mouse left click and hold a knob it will show how to activate that knob or setting.

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