Am I the only one?

Yeah, after SU3, I was lucky to hit 5 fps. The hotfix helped restore most of my pre-SU3 performance, but not quite all of it.

I miss the 40+ fps I was getting before WU3. :frowning:

Oh yes, I got that one too. I didn’t disinfect. I shutdown my computer ignoring Kaspersky. My Windows wouldn’t boot until I shut down and pulled power for a few mins. Thought my OS mighta toasted

Hopefully soon again Crunch!!!

I’m with you, I’ve been flt simming since 1982, and I was impressed in the beginning with MSFS 2020. Nice eye candy and expecting quality Aircraft. About the only thing left is the eye candy. Most of the aircraft are made to fly on the Xbox not worth the money, every update I spend more time fixing things or finding work arounds.
If they spend as much time producing aircraft that work and are a little more realistic as they do on the eye candy, MSFS 2020 would be great. So I think its time to go back to Xplane and Prepar3D, at least I know that works.


I’m honestly not expecting to see any improvement in the sim until they launch on XBOX and finally merge the DX12 code base into the PC branch. And even then, I don’t expect them to really deal with PC-specific issues until the XBOX kiddies get bored and stop spending money in the marketplace. Only then they’ll look back at the PC crowd with “Hey buddy… remember? Sim for simmers?”…

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I hope not, but have a feeling you’re right on that one

In any case, right now, if it’s not a problem that will affect the XBOX version (issues when undocking instruments) or a feature that XBOX can use (multiple monitors), it’s not likely to get looked at in the short term. Right now, and likely several months after XBOX launch, all we can expect is features and improvements that will affect both platforms.

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I empathise with that feeling, latest update stopped VR switching in so I took a VR flight in P3d what a relief. No 5 minute wait to startflight. Took of flew for an hour or so landed no issues. Exited P3d got on with my day. Been simming since the first microsoft flight simulator was released. Im considering kicking 2020 in the bin, are graphics really worth the pain.

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