Amazing! Skyvector addon to flight menu

I tried to use the template and put a substitute for my 3-degree Glidepath.

In CustomPanel.js I used:
self.iframeElement.src = ‘https://’;

It does not work. I think “js” is javascript but I am not even sure??? Please point me in a direction.

I tried the process that was described in the video and it didn’t work. I read Skyvector has been updated to stop us using it. Does anyone know how to get Skyvector inside MSFS.


same here, dont really understand the ipify thing

Maybe this post helps…

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“Unfortunately is not working anymore as they disabled embedding their site through an iframe.”

You can use this addon: - Ingamepanel PDF VIEWER for Flight Simulator v1.0

Or this: - Ingamepanel NAVMAP for Flight Simulator v1.3

Or this: - VFRMap Enhanced for Flight Simulator v1.6

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Does it mean that your Toolbar addon is not working?
I tried to get it work but it did’nt want to work, all i see is

No, I’ve changed the domain.

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