AMD Adrenaline 23.12.1 Supports HAGS

I just noted the release notes for 23.12.1 states:

Additional OS Feature Support

  • Support for Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling for Radeon RX 7900/7800/7700 series GPUs on Windows 11 version 22H2 and newer. Click HERE for more information.

I have an RX 7900XTX and I just noted it was turned on by default for me. I’m wondering if anyone who is experiencing issues with AMD GPUs and SU14 have tried toggling this off/on and seeing if there is any difference in performance.

I noticed that myself the other day and was actually waiting to see if anyone else experienced any improvements in performance with it (I also have a RX 7900XTX). Do you see any difference with it on? I have not installed 23.12.1 yet.

Btw - I also noticed the 23.12.1 version along with the AMD frame generation preview driver have been merged together in the preview driver below. It appears that AMD is close to releasing AFMF in it’s official driver version. When I do upgrade this will most likely be the version I’ll use.

AMD Dec 7 AFMF preview driver

I just installed the driver moments ago and haven’t yet flown with it installed to see what difference, if any, it makes.