Another choice for LPMA airport. It looks more detail than Asobo version.
Nice. Will definitely get that one. The Asobo version really isn’t anything to write home about. Hope the whole island will receive some love with WU9
Need this on the xbox now
Its definitely much better than the Asobo version, which had a strange bumpy runway. Unfortunately, in the Amsim version the terrain on the northern side of the runway is nearly flat and not sloping up like this: LPMA | Airport | Airport Overview | Goncalo Guimaraes | JetPhotos
It`s already send to Microsoft to submission
Thanks look forward to this one
We will try to fix it in a future updates, after WU9 I think
Bought it today, really looking forward to having a proper look around as I’ve flown into there on a number of occasions.
I vividly remember the first time on a TUI flight the Captain announced on the approach to 05 that those of us sitting on the left hand side of the aircraft would see some mountains that “would appear to be rather close and that is because they are”.
That’s great news, thanks for your great work! In the meantime I discovered some minor funny bugs on the static 737s. The main gears have some offset and are floating in the air and one of the pods under the wing is also floating
So maybe this can also be fixed in a future update… thanks a lot!
It will be fixed on next update! Also I received some minor bugs from customers, and I will fix them as soon as possible.
Thanks for all this and feedback
Hi Twotone!
Did you restart the sim after disabling the Asobo airport?
And how about the visual guidance system for runway 05. Is it modeled?
Heya mate, I surely did - I noticed an update through Orbx last night so I will need to test this later
Nice to hear! As soon as that’s fixed will be an immediate buy for me. Would be also nice to have the big flag pole just before the threshold of runway 05, instead of the multiple Portuguese and Madeiran flags that doesn’t exist in reality.
The runway texture issue fixed. I will add the big flag pole just before the threshold of runway 05 on next updates
Does the scenery have an option to disable static traffic?
I bought the airfield and according to the instructions I also uninstalled the Asobo LPMA.
Nevertheless, I have the error that cars from the road under the runway drive over the runway.
I have already sent a support message to AMSIM but have not received a reply. Very disappointing…
It’s absolute garbage. The hill at the other side of the airport is not there… weird objects at the end of the taxiway… honestly, I just uninstalled it after 10 mins. The dev said a lot of issues would be fixed but that was months ago and since then nothing has changed.