An happy day with: MSFS + Mooney M20R + LittleNavMap + FSEconomy


How do you like FSEconomy using g/a? I don’t care for flying the big stuff, and most of the economic sim add-ons I have found favor them.

I usually fly with planes with at least 10 passengers but nothing bigger the 20.
But sometimes Cubs, 152 and yes the Ovations are nice for move stuff.

I guess the fun is in the simulator and the planning not in the virtual money.

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BTW regarding this screenshot I’m more hapoy about LittleNavMap! =]

YES- LNM is really top notch, especially now that it reads the FS2020 database.

It’s pretty fun. Being able to rent any aircraft (in the Sim) from many locations depending on where the aircraft is and flying to a brand new airport is, for me, the real magic.

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You have to try LittleNavConnect! install it on a second computer/notebook and you can have the map on a separate computer over the network! it works awesome.
I use the exact tame combo


And LittleNavMap works much better than Msfs VFR map.
Showing all the others players aircraft info…

I use ForeFlight connect with my iPad to display moving maps on the sim and it’s pretty neat, but if I didn’t already have a sub I’d use LNConnect or NaviGraph Charts, both are great for moving maps/charts on a secondary device :slight_smile:

Are they free or do I have to pay a membership fee every month?

Both free.
Fseconomy and LNM…

NaviGraph comes as a subscription (I think like $13 a month); Little Nav Map is free

What about foreflight? And how do I connect either of these to my sim so I can see my aircraft?

This sounds like major fun! :smiley:

ForeFlight I think starts at $99? I’ve had my sub since my cross country hours so I really can’t remember but only use it if you’ve got a sub already. It’s intended primarily for real life navigation. Both Charts and Little Nav Map have detailed (but simple!) instructions on getting them set up. I’d check both options out ( and )

Actually it is a lot of fun!. You can do lots of cool stuff with the app. I love to read every town’s name, every lake and river’s name along my routes. Planning VOR-VOR routes is super easy too. Flight planning is a game by itself lol

Okay I guess foreflight is out of the window. What I’m looking for is something that I can use on my iPad that can give me airport diagrams, waypoints, the runway information such as the ILS as well all that good stuff.

I’ve been using SkyVector and FltPln Go and then manually entering data in Flight Sim. I agree: it is one of the things I enjoy most. Having it linked sounds really cool.

FS Economy is I think is more tailored for GA than anything else out there.

There are lots of good GA aircraft to rent/buy and there are always single passenger less than 100km assignments to take.

If all you want to do is fly the 172 you can make money all day doing it shuttling 3 pax around.

I like to fly the Beech 58 and keep an eye out for 5 pax VIP assignments. Those are usually 600-800km. On these trips I use AP and time acceleration between cruise and TOD.

Shorter assignments I fly in real time.

I’m saving up for a down payment for a Beech 58 now.

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Navigraph charts is really good for that - they both are. I find Charts to be cleaner with iPad use, but it does cost money where LNM does not.